Chapter 3

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In the Fairytail guild.......

"What should I do?" Natsu asked himself. He went outside the Fairytail guild hall and took a walk. He walked in the east forest and searched for the tree he always punches when he's uppset.
He sat down behind the tree and wondered about E.N.D. "I -------- am ------- not ------ E.N.D!!!" Natsu said with a trembling voice. He cant take it anymore, poor Natsu. "What the, tears??? A ---- again??? ---- this ---- sucks!" He said while crying. He bended his knees towards him and covered his face with it and he wrapped his arms thru his legs as thight as possible. Natsu was mad but he still cant help but cry. "This isnt me at all!" Natsu said gently and slowly. Then suddenly he saw a person infront of him.

"Who are you? What do you want?" He asked. Natsu looked carefully at the person infront of him then he saw Zeref. "Dont worry Natsu Im here to help!" Zeref said kindly. "Get away from me!" Natsu shouted. Natsu ran away as fast as he can, Zeref was sad cuz he was'nt able to help Natsu from his pain.

Happy was searching for Natsu, he didn't know that Natsu left earlier. Happy was totaly worried about his Fire breathing friend. "Natsu where did you go?" Happy shouted. Natsu herd it but he did'nt say a thing. Natsu stayed silent for a while until he got over it but it did'nt work at all. In a couple of minutes Happy found him. "Natsu lets go back to the guild! Please!" Happy said worriedly. But Natsu still stayed silent. "If you dont want then I'll just fly you there!" Happy said. Happy used his Era magic and tried to get Natsu. But Natsu quikly placed his right hand to his blue partner's left shoulder and looked him in the eye and said " Sorry ------ but please ----leave ---- me ---- alone". Then he left. Happy was so worried about his Fire friend, he saw him cry real bad. Happy could'nt do anything to make him the way he used to be before.

Everyone in Fairytail does'nt know yet about Natsu being E.N.D exept Happy. All Natsu's friends in Fairytail is clueless about Natsu being Zeref's little brother too. Happy planned to get him once he fell asleep again. Natsu stood up then closed his right hand slowly then opened it again. Natsu walked a little longer until he accidentally dropped his knees and placed his arms onto the ground.

His tears are falling and it would'nt stop. "I ---- dont --- believe ----- it!" He said madly while crying. He stood up again then walked slowly. He did it step by step, small steps at a time, he cant walk properly his feet and legs are already wounded so much that he even cant walk properly. Natsu fell down again, when he dropped his knees again he looked up and saw the pond they went earlier. He accedently floated to the pond while he did'nt know it was happening. He saw the clear blue sky and the birds flying, that time he remembered the day his blue partner was hached from his egg. "What's Happy doing right now?" Natsu asked himself. Then suddenly he fainted cuz of his tiredness, wounds and crying so much.

The End
To Be Continued

E.N.D - Etherious Natsu DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now