Chapter 6: Sleeping Angel

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I was in the spare bedroom for a long time while “the lads chatted” as Niall put it. I got really sleepy and didn’t think twice. I fell asleep. I was having a great dream when it suddenly turned to the worst. I was a famous singer. My fans told me to sing One Direction songs. I was doing great. Then I caught a glimpse of my devil father. He flew on stage and beat me up. Then the crowd starting throwing tomatoes and beating me up with my devil father. I must have started kicking and screaming in my sleep because I felt someone grab me in a hug and try to wake me up. I peek my eyes open to find I was not in the dusty spare room. I was in a beautiful giant bedroom.



“How did I get here?”

“You fell asleep in the spare room.” Mentally cheering because I knew it was the spare room.


“We found you and Lou told me you trusted me only.”


“I picked you up and carried you in here to sleep.”

“Can I live here?”

“My room?”

“You’re flat.”

“Yes. The spare bedroom is being redone by a designer for you.”

“Sorry for waking you.”

“You didn’t.”


“Yeah I was watching you sleep. You sleep like an angel.”

“You’re my sleeping guardian.”


“You woke me up before someone killed me.”

“Go back to bed sleeping angel.”

“Hold me please.”


“You keep nightmares away.” The rest of the night he held on to me and kept my bad dreams away. He really is my sleeping guardian.

We Can Get Through Anything: A Niall Horan Fanfic (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now