Chapter 24: New Family

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I arrive at the house to see my family is already here. I walk up to the door and open it. As soon as I find my family in the living room, it is not the scene I expected. Lindsey was there, along with a guy and a girl who looked my age, my mom, and I am assuming my step dad. “Lindsey!!!” I shout out.

 “Jessie Lee!!! What are you doing here?”

 “This is my family. What are you doing here?”

 “This is my boyfriend Chase. The one I told you about!”

 “Uh hi. I’m Chase your uh stepbrother.” Chase awkwardly greets me.

 “And I am Lillian, but you can call my Lilly! I’m your stepsister! Can you introduce me to One Direction! I wanna marry Liam!!”

 “Lillian shut up! Your going to scare her away! And Liam won’t even like you! Your weird, obsessive, and use a spoon!”

 “He don’t care if I use a spoon!!”

 “STOP!!” My stepdad screams.

 “Please guys. Hi honey.” My stepmom says.

 “Hi mom, Chase, Lillian, and-?”

 “I’m Robert, but you can call me whatever you would like.”

 “Um thanks Robert.”

 “Well guys! I’m going to make dinner. You can do whatever you would like until then.” My mom says as we all head to our rooms, except Robert who turns on tv, Lindsey who follows Chase, and Lilly who follows me.

 “SO CAN YOU GET ME TO MEET THEM OR JUST LIAM?!?” Lilly shouts in my ear.

 “One stop screaming. Two I don’t know Lilly. I mean I can but you can’t be obsessive.”




 “I will think about it.”

 “Leave her alone Lillian!” Chase screams at her.

 “Whatever loser.” Lilly retorts as she stomps into her room.

 “Thanks.” I tell Chase.

 “It’s no biggie. I apologize for her.”

 “It’s fine.”

 “So anyways how did you and Lindsey meet?”

 “At McDonalds yesterday.”


 “Yeah.” With that I walked into my room, shut and locked my door, and fell asleep on my bed.


 I wake up to my mom calling dinner. I walk downstairs to see I am the only one besides my mom and Robert. I sit down expecting the rest of them to come down the stairs, but no one does. “Where is everyone?” I ask

 “They all went out.” Robert informs me.

 “Out where?”

 “Well Lillian went to stalk One Direction, and Lindsey and Chase went out to Starbucks.”

 “Does Lilly always have to obsess over them? AND THEY WENT TO STARBUCKS WITHOUT ME??!?”

 “We are working on Lilly it is probably just a phase, and yes they went to Starbucks without you. I will make sure to have them invite you next time.”

 “Is this how it always is?”

 “How what always is?”

 “Everyone. Is Lillian and Chase always gone?”

 “Well yes, a lot of the time Lilly is gone with a friend or a concert or some other thing she is in love with. Chase and Lindsey always hang out too. He is also busy with soccer and such.”

 “So its just you two and me most of the time?”

 “Well I have to work a lot and so does your mother. Don’t you have a job, school, sport, friends, something your always busy with?”

 “Just my boyfriend, his friends, and my bestfriend, which is one of their girlfriends. I mean they all work together and I am just an add on, so not really. I mainly just hang out with Niall. I have one other friend besides my friend Lisa, but that’s Lindsey, and she will be with Chase.”

 “No job, school or sports?”

 “Um with my dad being who he was I didn’t do any sports, and I didn’t get a job. I’m not in school anymore either.”

 “Well I guess you will find something to busy your time.”

 “Yeah. Can I have my boyfriend over tonight along with my friends?”

 “Well how many are there?”

 “Including me it will be 4 to 7 of us depending on who can all come.”

 “Are they all sleeping over?”

 “Well probably not, unless its allowed…?”

 “Well as long as there is no funny business I assume it would be okay considering it is how you have lived since you moved out of your dads.”

 “NO worries. We aren’t about that stuff.” Well Harry and Lisa may be, but why tell Robert that.

 “Okay well just don’t be too loud, and have fun.”

 “Thanks!” I shout as I walk up to my room to call Niall and tell him the good news. I dial Niall’s number and he picks up right away. “Hi babe!” I shout.

 “Hi babe! What’s up? I thought you were busy?”

 “Well my siblings are gone and my parents are starting work tomorrow, so they are going to bed early. I was wondering if you, the guys, and Lisa wanted to come over?”

 “Well Zayn is with Perrie, Liam and Louis are having a video game tournament, and Harry and Lisa I don’t know about, but I can ask them, and I can come.”

 “Alright! 4 is better than none. Ask them now!”

 “Alright alright hold your horses.” He sets the phone down and I can hear him talking to Harry and Lisa. He picks the phone back up. “Jessie Lee?”

 “Niall James?”

 “Us four can come!”

 “Yay! Come over whenever!”

 “Alright be there in five!”

 “Love you!”

 “Love you! Bye!” With that I hang up the phone and start getting ready.

We Can Get Through Anything: A Niall Horan Fanfic (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now