Chapter 6: Cars- Part 2

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(I'm on my way home from Iowa and I am bored, so... UPDATE)
You felt Matthew staring at you. You were very conscious about yourself, so you assumed something was off about your appearance, oblivious to the real reason. You stopped dancing and locked eyes (locked" wanted to correct to "lick". It would be a very different story if that were so xD) with him. (If the car is moving, since I don't remember, he has it on cruise control or something xD) His face was very relaxed and he looked like he was seeing you for the first time, like he realized something. It was quite confusing.
"What?" You inquired, curious.
"Wait, huh?" He mumbled, blinking and shaking his head as if to clear it of some thought. He checked the road and made sure the car wasn't going to, you know, crash and almost kill you AGAIN. He looked back at you, his cheeks pink.
"You were staring at me. Something wrong?"
"N-no.. N-nothing.." He blurted, stuttering.
You furrowed your eyebrows, not knowing what his actions were about. This wasn't very normal for him.. yeah, he wasn't the most extroverted person out there, but he never acted this strange. His hands kept moving around, his shoulder and torso were shifting every few seconds.
Wait.. You though as he glanced at you for a moment, his pupils are dilating.. he's attracted to someone. You held back a frown, and got all giddy and girly, which was not something you did often.
"Who's the girl you like?!" You asked loudly, grinning. You ignored a flare of disappointment as his cheeks turned a darker shade of red. He liked a girl, you didn't care if it was you at the moment. He was your friend and you were going to tease him nonstop. Like a great friend does.
"N-No one!" He replied loudly. His hands tightened on the steering wheel. He glanced to his right.
He's lying. Your brain fired all types of signals. Why doesn't he want me to know? I must know the girl he likes. Why would he hide it if I didn't?
"You are lying, mister! Who is it?" Your eyes pleaded with him.
"I'm not telling you, Y/N!" He exclaimed, his head leaning downward into his shoulders. He was practically a tomato at the moment.
"But whyyyyyy..??" You whined, "I'm like.. your best friend!"
He mumbled something under his breath.
"That's exactly why I don't want to tell you; it's you." I mumbled as quietly as possible. If I told her who I liked, there would be no chance we could still be friends. She'd hate me! Or at least, she'd think I was weird. If she knew just how obsessed with her I was- to the point where I constantly read through our random conversations and look at her pictures on instagram (if you don't have Instagram, just go with it) over and over again -, she'd run away thinking I was a creep!
I felt my face growing hotter by the second, and it was all I could do not to look at her. To see her E/C eyes, and wonderful H/C hair, and beautiful face, perfect..
He had a weird look on his face. He was trying very hard not to look at you. You could tell. His head would turn maybe an inch and then snap forward. He was so tempted to take a glance at you, and you had no idea why.
What has gotten into you, Matthew?
(Short, sucky chapter, but I felt bad so I decided to write it. And FYI, I totally did not mean to rhyme at all, it legit just decided to happen, but I'm proud of the coincidence. I REALLY appreciate the good feedback y'all keep giving me. I have seen ZERO comments hating on this book, and I'm so proud of myself for that. Sorry, I'll shut up xD. I'm in a car with my 48-year-old dad and 86-year-old grandpa. With two more hours to go. I'm tired and a bit dizzy. I needed something to do besides listen to VoicePlay. ANYWHO- Have a nice day/ night!!)

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