4. Eternity

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Strange, isn't it? You are in the worse possible situation. You decide to get rid of it. You jump from a 12 storey building. You wake up just to live the same reality again. The perspective of it being a dream was nowhere to be found. God knew what I was stuck in. You'll know what I am talking about, but you need to have patience. Let me fill you up first. The first time I jumped and tried to kill myself, I woke up to the same reality. I tried it again. Almost 7-8 times. I don't even remember. Every time I took off the edge, I woke up in my bed. Every time I was alone. The entire planet seemed to be wiped off with some strange thing that had erased every living man and any evidence that could suggest that this beautiful, blue planet was ever treaded by humans. I woke up on the bed and jumped through the window straight away only to end up on the bed again. I tried several ways : Hanging, Slicing my nerve, Swallowing cartons of sleeping pills, tying my hands and jumping in water to drown. Each one gave the same result. If you give the same test again and again you at least deserve to get different marks each time. It was like being stuck in a self-sustaining temporal paradox. I'll make it easy. Have you ever seen the movie "Edge Of Tomorrow"? If you have then you can understand what was happening to me. Its just that I wasn't in the middle of a war with aliens, no alpha alien had spilt its blood on me. Though sometimes I wish something like that had happened. At least I would know what was happening. Here, some nonsense has begun in my life, I can't ask anyone what's happening, I don't know what's happening, I can't ask anyone when will it stop, I don't know when will it stop. You face similar situation in an exam hall.

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