8. Salvation

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That's life. At least, that's my life. I live days trying to find others. Wondering if they are alive or dead and end up discovering that its me who's dead.

"So if I am dead, where am I?"
"You aren't dead. You are in the phase between life and death or simply, you are dying."
"So in the real world out there I am still dying"
"What happened to others?"
"You'll never know. Some might die, some might survive the earthquake"
"So where am I?"
"In your subconscious"
"What does that mean?"
"It means we are right now in a world made up by your subconscious mind"
"So that's the reason I couldn't see any sign of existence, because no one ever existed here."
"Exactly. The reason you can't remember your name or any memory is because that part of your brain isn't working, only the subconscious is. Subconscious remembers the details of surroundings but not the pleasant or hard moments of life"
"Does this happen to everyone?"
"You'll never know"
"So I couldn't die because none of this is real"
"What are these dark dimensions?"
"The subconscious remembers every detail. Everything you have ever seen or heard is somewhere hidden in the brain. Your subconscious is your key to those information. The dark dimensions are places you have never been to. Your mind cannot make up what you have never seen. How do you think we entered the darkness in Kolkata and came out in Mumbai? Those dark dimensions are empty spaces. We go in there and we come out at different places of your memory."
"So if I go in I could come out at any place of my memory?"
"Exactly so"
"Wow. That's amazing. But why did you want me to be free from this world"
"Its only after you loose your ties to the world that you are free. Unless you free your mind from all worldly bonds, you'll be stuck here. Your physical self will endure pain in the real world. And unless you are free, I am caged"
"Who are you?"
"Haven't guessed it yet?"
"My..... my..... soul?"
"That's why I wanted you to be free. That's why I wanted you to stop caring. That's why. Because as long as you are chained to this world, I can't be free. I can't leave."
"So freedom means..."
"Death. As long as your mind is attached to this world you are reluctant to leave your physical self. And if you don't leave it, it will go through all the suffering and pain."
"So how.... how do I leave?"
"You have achieved freedom from fears and bonds. You are now in control of your life. You can leave whenever you wish to"

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