6. The Dark Abyss

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That guy. Whoever he was. He had infected me. While talking to him, all that came in mind was how arrogant and stupid he is and now, all I can think is how precisely right he was. I was beginning to have fun in this apocalyptic world. I presumed myself to be the dictator of this city/nation/globe. My mood determined my actions. Most of the time, frustration took the central seat. I became the agent of chaos. I became the lord of pandemonium. I became the gangster of bedlam. The moment I felt the changeover from being normal to being frustrated, the city took the pain. I created havoc all around. I would take anything I could put my hands on and break down anything I wanted to. I don't know why. I had this desire to destroy something beautiful. On one instance, I wrecked an Audi to such an extent, its dimensions were no more than a Maruti 800's. But there were good times too. Times when I robbed bakeries and stuffed my oesophagus with all I could. But it lasted for only a few hours. About a day. And by the beginning of the next day, I was back to the depressed condition.

They say, you might not get what you want but you always get what you deserve. I think I deserved him. That's why I met him again. My fate was digging my grave. At that point of time, it seemed like a light in the dark. Game of fate. This time the meeting wasn't abrupt. I found him sitting on a bench in a park. Sitting as casually as anything. His arms stretched on the bench and his legs crossed with left one on top of the right one. I went and sat next to him. He didn't bother giving a reaction. Just looked at me and grinned. And then......and then it began.

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