There goes the plan

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"I'm here Phil," I whispered throught the door.

"What are you doing here?" You could get hurt." Phil says hurriedly

"I'm here to save you." I state confidently. "I really appreciate that, but you cant be here," Phil whispers, "They'll get you.."

"You mean-" i got to say before getting cut off. I look at Abi she nodes her head agreeing she heard the sound too...


I quickly grab her hand and we rush quietly away from the door and hide around the corner "Run, hide." i hear Phil whispers just as we left.

Me and Abi crouched quietly peeking around the corner of the wall to see Scarlett and Kai? they walk up to the door we was just at and pull out a key and unlock it "Ah, you're up," The red haired bitch said walking into the room.

"Wake Beth up will you." I turn and look at Abi she had tears in her eyes, "Beth?" Phil said soft and quietly.

"i have an idea..." i say as i start to walk off, she follows "What is it?"

We walk down a few corridors and find the main office we had passed on the way in "You think there will be some spare keys in here?" she askes

"Yup" i say holding up a pair of keys i found on a desk

We quietly and cautiously run back to the room Phil and Beth was locked up in  

Once we get back Scarlett and Kai was gone so we walked up to the door once checking around and unlocks it i run in...

I run over to phil and pushes my lips onto his. It was a short kiss but it felt... Right

I step away from Phil blushing and put my hands in my pocket and show him an awkward smile "How-" Phil starts to speak but Abi steps in "We need to go now." she whispers at us.


We dart as fast as we can down the damp dingy corridor.

"How did you get the keys?" Phil askes Abi.

"Well we snuck into the main office whilst Scarlett and Kai were with you and Beth." She replies.

"Oh, wow." Phil says.

"HA!" Kai jumps in front of us, followed by Scarlett trapping us in.

Kai gives us all an evil smile, excitement burned in his eyes.

So close.


I open my eyes slowly, squinting them i look around panicking..

i was tied to a chair in a small dark room.

"Dan it's okay." i hear a voice say

I jump up scared from the sudden sound but calms once realising it was only Phil

I says nothing and it goes silent for a while till Phil speaks up again "Um, about yesterday..." he says "What was that about?"

I blush deeply "Well i haven't seen you for a while..."

"Yeah but w-we have never done that before..." he mutters

"Yeah, but i think we should"  i smile then wince in pain from cuts that was panted on my face.

After a minute or so Abi starts to stir and wakes up.

"Hey Abi." Phil says to her

"Hey" she responds sleepily. 

"Thank you so much for finding Dan. But i feel awful, you've gotten into so much trouble. You didn't have to risk your life for me..." Phil say with his cute voice he sounded sincere

"Honestly it's fine. I don't mind risking my life, its not worth living for anyway..." she mutters the last sentence.

I felt bad for her and everything she's been through "Don't say that. I know you've been thought a lot, I cant even imagine it, but your life is important." Phil tells her 

She blushes and smiles.

Beth wakes up, and we all talk for a bit, trying to get our minds off what's going to happen next.

What are they going to do to us?
How are we going to get out?

Are they going to kill us?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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