Oh, what is this?

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I called out to my captain as I carefully carried a whole tray of his breakfast. I was about to join him and his comrades, well I guess they are also mine mostly, and eat. But, something wasn't right. He didn't bother asking to grab myself some brunch, but I guess I had to grab it myself. Why would he order me to do so? Gosh, I'm hungry.

"Brat. Get your behind over here quickly."

"Y-Yes, sir."

My hands and arms wobbled. Dear Wall Maria, I better not drop this tray. I can feel him staring at me as I enter the room. Why is he so nerve racking? Ugh, Levi Levi. I can't get upset at him a bit or else he finds me "cute". Weird, he's the first person who's ever told me this. Hah, even Armin finds me annoying.

I'm so close to the table, phew- Trip.


I luckily catch myself, oops. I spilled a bit of tea on the floor but I still have to hurry.

"Sorry Le-"

"Just hurry over here, brat."

I hear him sigh and my heart begins pumping faster. What am I doing. I sigh as I finally stop and place the tray in front of my corporal.

"Here, L-Levi. I'll go and serve myself some-"


"Huh? But-"

"Sit down."


I then slowly drag out the chair next to him, and sit down. I look around to see Hanji, Armin and Mikasa. I'm guessing Connie and Sasha went ahead and went on to some crazy training exercise. I snap out of my daze on looking at the table and look at Levi.





I fidget my fingers under the table and try not to make eye contact with him. How awkward he makes me feel. I can feel the blush come onto my ears, jeez.


"Hm? Yes, sir-"

I snap my head towards his direction only for him to shove a big piece of bread into my mouth.


"Just eat it."


"Eat. The damn. Bread."

I start chewing on the bread, I can feel a bit of tears form on the edges of my eyes as I feel...I'm choking on the freakin' bread. He lets go of the bread as I quickly chew a piece off and swallow it. As Mikasa and Armin look at me shocked, I start choking on a damn piece of bread.

I can hear Hanji laughing, why is she laughing?!

Levi then turns to me and hands me his tiny cup of tea, I quickly take it with both of my hands and swallow a couple sips. I place the cup back down on the table as I look down at my shirt, feeling embarrassed. Oh Maria, he probably thinks I'm more of an idiot now. Levi then slaps the back of my head, making me quickly look up at him.

"S-Sorry captain Levi, I can get you some more-"

"No, I'm fine."


"Just finish the damn bread."

I start munching on the loaf of bread again as Hanji wipes away the tears from her eyes, and stops laughing.

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