Chapter One

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  "Come on the bed, Jun! Stop doing that. Just stay here with me. I feel guilty letting one of our nation's top idols sleep on the floor." Mao told Jun as she fluffed the pillows on the king-sized bed.

"No. I'm fine sleeping here. I don't want to let you feel uncomfortable with me being there."

"Oh don't be ridiculous Jun-kun! Stop with the excuses. I know you're tired from filming earlier. The best thing you can do to relax right now, given our circumstances, is to sleep on the bed."

"You sure about this Mao-chan?"

"Yeah. Unless you're trying to rape me or anything?" Mao chuckled as she teased him.

"Nah... I'm not in the mood." Jun replied, laughing as well. Dragging the blanket back to the bed, he obliged to her wishes and climbed on top.

Mao started playing with her phone. Jun, on the other hand, grabbed one of his books and his reading glasses, and then started to read. Silence befell upon them.

If an outsider were to look at them at this moment, he/she would be amazed at how cool and calm they seemed to be despite the circumstance. Beneath their façades, the two were actually fidgeting inside. They cannot concentrate with what they're doing. In fact, being on the same bed in a hotel room makes Jun and Mao very conscious of each other. But being actors, of course they won't let these emotions show.

"I can't believe our friends!" Mao decided to break the silence. "I never thought they'd play this trick on us."

"I agree." Jun laid the book on the side table. "They clearly took advantage of us being drunk."  

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