Chapter 1: the turning to a creature

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It was late at night and harry was put back in the cuboard this summer and next year he is going to be in 6th year so its a little tight. He felt unbaring pain, and he yelled for help or someone and his uncle came and beat him more. Voldemort was felt an alike creature sending a distress signal but he was suspose to be the last of his kind so he went find where he was coming from and he ended up at harry's house which was his enemy. He found harry changing into an nagai (snake human hybrid)  then is smelled the room and he knew he had found his mate his submissive at last. He held harry in his arms to help his turning, and thought to his self this is why the killing curse rebounded. Harry gets done turning and says mate my dominate . Voldemort says yes little one yes im here for you. harry pasts out. Harry turns to his full form of an snake while pated out. Voldemort takes him to his mansion , harry wakes . Harry says where am i and who are you. Voldemort says my mansion and im tom riddle or Voldemort and harry im not going to hurt you, you are my mate my submissive my life. Calm little one you are fine he says. Harry calms but arent you susposed to kill me . he tries to runs, then Voldemort wraps his arms around harry and says no i only want to kill dumblodore for all things he has done to make the wizarding world bad . Harry says what do you mean. Voldemort says how he put him in a magic hating home and how he put blocks on him and almost killed him. Harry starts shaking can you check me for blocks. Then Voldemort says with the creature inheritance all the blocks left but was why it hurt so much. Harry says what creature in heritance . Voldemort explains how he turned into an nagai. Then later he shows harry his room. They go to bed but harry gose to Voldemorts room saying that he want to be in the same room as his mate and domainte. So they sleep together in the same bed. 

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