Chapter 2 getting to know each other

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Harry woke up, and was confused where he was and yelled "where am I".
Voldemort woke up to Harry screams and it broke his heart to hear him screaming and crying.
Harry sobbed. "Where am I", whispered harry. Voldemort said , "your at my castle your ok my mate my submissive",and he said it with his teenage perfect face.
"W...w..what am I",he said stuttering.
You are a nagi and I am as well little one, please calm down, said Voldemort.
Harry panics and turns into a full-form snake.
Voldemort picks him up and speaks parlseltougue.
Harry goes back to halfing form since he calmed down. He falls asleep from exhaustion.
Voldemort sighed not knowing what to tell his mate and sub.
He cuddle his mate to comfort him.
Harry woke up again but felt safe and loved
"Voldemort," Harry said
"Yes little one ,"he said 

What happened to me why am I an nagi. "Please don't abandon me I don't want to be alone again after what all has happen so I beg you don't leave," Harry pleaded.

I wont little one we will stick together. He carried harry to the dinning room and fed him some lunch since they both had skipped the first meal of the day. He started to give harry more but harry shook is head no. "Why little one," said Voldemort 

"Had too much," harry says Little one you  on had 2 bites of the egg and one spoon ful of ceral why are you already food darling, said Tom( I am going to refer to Voldemort as tom because Voldemort is too long of an name to type sorry)

Harry stutters, " I'm not use to eating much food because of my family abuse and such. It breaks tom heart to see harry this submissive and little, and thinks he will have to talk to harry latter and then he hears harry says abuse and yells" those nothing but crap humans abused you I'm an so going to AK their butts". Harry shakes scared because tom screamed and he had learned a long time ago if someone screams then you will get hurts it is real simple. Please don't hurt me Tom harry said. 

Tom looks at harry and says "you called me tom good, and I'm sorry I'm not going to hurt you but those that did will get pain I promise you that." 

Harry nuzzles tom happily. 

Harry come meet nangi please she wont hurt you I promise. Ok tom he said. 

When they walked in the room nangi  went up to tom and hissed in snake language Is he a nagi he smells like you and are you mates ohhh I  cant wait for hatchlings. Yes to all the questions nangi and I want you to be his protector of sorts you see he is super submissive and will probably listen to an real dominate person so please protect him good Tom said to his pet snake.

She hissed why is he so submissive, and he is ok to have hatchlings tom answer my questions and I will protect him.

Well nangi you didn't give time for me to answer them and because of abuse he is so submissive and I think he will be ok health wise and thanks for protecting him. Tom thinks of how nangi is acting like an mother to his little his sub.  By the way nangi he is a speaker to, and then he ran out after saying that and she hissed you couldn't have said that first you stupid man and human. 

She slitherd to harry and hissed hi and he talked by in snake langue hi and how was she . She said good and how she would protect her and what he thought of the situation.

He said that he didn't really know what to think because everything was happening at once but he was adjusting to things, and that he was ok. 

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