Chapter 3 Getting told the truth

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Harry was feeling different but he didn't know why he felt different so he got up and went to find but he couldn't find him and he brust out crying in distressed. Nangi went over and wrapped around him to give him some comfort and asked him what was wrong and he said"I feel differnct but I don't know why and I cant find tom". You might feel different because you are an submissive nagi and when you inheritance hits and you a sub you start turning into an girl where you can bear many hatchlings. You ok Little nagi. 

Yes thanks nangi but can you please find tom I want my mate my dom. 

Nangi slithered away to find tom. Harry sat in thought how his dom and mate might think he was a freak and monster for being about to switch gender and this made him extremely sad and he couldn't control his tears so when his mate came he was crying again and was a huge mess.

Little one whats wrong I'm here its ok. IM a freak tom why do you even like me or touch I mean I'm turning into a girl for gods sake I'm no one why do you even care answer me please.

Harry James Potter you are something and you are not a freak you hear so don't talk about yourself like. YOu are my perfect little and my sub. I'm happy you are turning into a girl, in fact its one of the best thing to happen. 

You really think that tom. Harry jumped in his arms and cuddled and hugged him tightly not letting go for minutes. To said lets get dinner and we will talk more. so they went to the dinning room and had dinner, and ate happily. Harry waited for his mate to finish his food.

Harry do you know of the powers you have being an nagi.

No tom is that bad harry said.

No you just need to learn and here are you powers you can transform into an snake become friends with them and you will have organs like them and eyes and etc. Do you have any questions little one.

Will I have to fight against you please say I don't and please protect me from the light they are betrayers and hurters. 

What happened when you was on their side baby.

Everyone betrayed me and tried to used me and I got tired of it so please don't make me go back tom. then harry yawns,

Lets go to sleep little one you are tired I can tell. 

Otay he says. THey both get in bed and falls asleep

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