Chapter 14

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"(y/n), you are really good" Ji-Hoon, defiance's leader complimented. "Thank you Ji-Hoon, I really appreciate your welcoming attitude to me as your new makeup artist." I bowed to the male. "I know a male shouldn't ask a lady about this but, how old are you?" All the males in the room looked towards me except from Ha-Jun whom only smiled into the book he was reading. This group had similarities to got7, everything from their age to the height of the members, even their personalities were similar, no kidding. "Ehm... I'm younger than all of you, I'm born 20.11.97" One of the boys, Seung-Hyun spit out the water he had in his voice before looking at me with eyes full of surprise and embarrassment, Ha-Jun laughed loudly of the maknae. "I thought you were older than me... I mean you have worked for a long time right? And you know Ha-Jun from school" Ha-Jun was breaking down in laughter at the maknae's continued shocked expression. "Yeah, but he was held back a year so he was in 3rd when I was in 1st, we would still be at the same campus even if he wasn't held back, as the middle and high school share campus, and we turned out to live on the same street, so we walked to and from school everyday" I smiled towards Ha-Jun, whom happily returned the gesture. "So... did you also know Jinyoung personally, like Ha-Jun?" Ji-Hoon tilted his head slightly making his black hair flowing in front of his light brown eyes. "Yeah, I met him through Ha-Jun one day, they were both nice enough to welcome me, as I had recently moved away from Busan"


After a long time getting to know everyone, we had finally gotten to the photoshoot that was scheduled for today. The blitz of the camera were going non-stop. And then there was me, just watching them from right beside the cameraman, in case they needed a touchup or something. "next week they'll have a fan meet, I'll send you the address, and when you'll have to be there." I looked behind me to find their manager. "A fan meet, already?" I looked bewildered at the man. "They have been doing a lot of small stages and have gathered a lot of fans, even before their debut. These small event have been packed with people. And all the tickets to the fan meeting is sold out. The boys are really hardworking" The word 'proud' shined from the older males eyes. "I'm happy for them, especially Ha-Jun, he has been there for me for years now. I feel like this can somehow repay him, even though it is just a small amount. I'll have to stand by him through everything he might cross to ever being close repaying him in full." My eyes had once again travelled back to the group of young males, posing in front of a camera. "You know. I had already decided on a new makeup artist before you came in the picture. Ha-Jun said that he really wanted you. He told me what kind of character you were, and how you always looked at the person, not the status that person held... I can see that he really knew you. That is the only reason I even considered you, and to be honest, I'm happy I did. I can clearly see that you know what you are doing. Keep the good work up" I heard him standing from his chair, making a loud screech. I was left to my thoughts. 'Ha-Jun really thought that highly of me?' my ears felt warm, I jumped quickly as I felt something cold and slightly wet touch my ears. "Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" I looked to see Ha-Jun with a fresh cold water bottle in hand. "YAH, COME BACK HERE!!" he ran away from me, towards the other guys. "Caught her!" I felt hands wrapped around my wrists, not letting go of me as I tried to catch Ha-Jun whom was mockingly stepping closer to me. "Seung-Hyun, let go of me." I still tried to get out of his grip. "Yah, (y/n) you should speak more respectfully to your elders." He whispered in my ear as the other guys backed away and Seung-Hyun's free arm holding my waist, puling me closer. 'This pose...' I could see blitz of the camera. "Wha-" Ji-Hoon switched places with Seung-Hyun and kissed my forehead, as the camera went off again. 'I am utterly confused' Everyone took their turn, hugging me, going down on one knee still holding my hand, holding me bridal style, back-hugging me, and Ha-Jun lifting me above his head as I started laughing. After that they all came close and posed with me as the center. "Wha- what was all of that for?" I was still laughing, mostly from confusion. "The song we had as our debut 'first love' had only one critic, not having a girl actually involved in the mv and only using a silhouette and a feminine hand, so, here at the photoshoot we wanted to have an actual female, and since you were the only one here, so, ehm, yeah" My eyes nearly popped out as I looked at Ha-Jun hoping he was just kidding again. "Then why not get a model, actor or singer. It is no good using me. I'm not even pretty... and sasaengs..." I gripped my hair in my fists. "I'm dead" I walked over to the wall, starting to bang my head in the wall. "(y/n), don't do that." the feeling of the hard wall left as a warm soft touch lingered the part of my head I banged in the wall. "Ji-Hoon?" I looked into his light brown eyes. "You are beautiful, to all of us. And if anyone ever tries to harm you, then we'll be there, stopping them. Pluss you are ore down to earth than anyone I know. And that is the kind of person we sing about in our song. You fit the role perfectly. Ok? We won't do it again, if you don't want us to. Just let us have these pictures.. Please" His eyes were so soft, I couldn't say no. "Fine" I lightly pushed his hand away as I walked away back into the dressing room to pack down my things, since I realized the shoot was over as the Cameras where all packed down.

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