Chapter 1

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"Look at that!" Said Jack as he placed his arm around his girlfriend's waist.

"It's beautiful." Katherine replied.

"Almost as beautiful as you." Jack said, turning and looking into her eyes. He flashed a smirk.

Katherine looked up at Jack and leaned in to kiss him.

"Jack! Katherine! Hey it's me, Crutchie! What are you doing here!?" Crutchie, Jack's best friend exclaimed.
Oblivious to the moment he has interrupted, Crutchie walks over to Jack and Katherine, who pull away from each other.

"Hey Crutchie." Jack says, trying not to sound irritated. "How can he be so oblivious!" He thought to himself, "That was the 5th time he's interrupted us."

Crutchie smiles and looks up at Jack and Katherine. "How's your day off goin lovebirds?" He asks, emphasizing the last word.

Katherine chuckles and looks at Jack then back at Crutchie "It's been amazing, since I've got Jack with me." She says as she winks at Jack.

Jack blushes and smiles at her.

"Well, I wish I could stay and talk but I gotta go sell more papes! See ya at the penthouse Jack! Bye Jack, bye Katherine!" Crutchie exclaims.He walks over to Jack and hugs him. He hobbles away and starts to sell his papers.

Jack sighs. "Why doesn't he get it? I love him, he's like my brother but he needs to realize that it's not just him and I anymore. It used to be just the two of us but now that you're here... he just doesn't get it." Jack says as he faces Kathrine. He takes her hands and intertwined their fingers.

"He's not used to it yet." Katherine responds.

"Used to what?" Jack asks as he raises an eyebrow suggestively.

"Well... us." Katherine says softly.

Jack smirks. " I wish moments like these weren't always interrupted." He says solemnly. He sighs and looks into his girlfriend's eyes.

Katherine responds, "It's alright Jack." She says sighing. "As I've said before he's not used to having to share you with other people."

"I know. I just wish he would understand that I'm with you, that it's not just him and me anymore." Jack says.
"He will understand." Katherine says.

"But that's the problem, he won't!" Jack says as he raises his voice. "He always stays oblivious. He's so innocent and doesn't see what's plain in sight!" Jack keeps rambling on.

"Jack. Jack!" Katherine exclaims, "Jack!! Calm down!" She says, pulling him into a tight hug.

"It's just... think of all the memories we could have made if Crutchie hadn't interrupted. At first it was fine but now it's become too much. Remember when I asked you to be my girlfriend? Do you remember who interrupted us?!" Jack says, fuming.

Katherine pulls away from the hug and opens her mouth to answerer. Before Katherine can let out the smallest sound Jack answers for her.

"Crutchie! Always Crutchie. I would do anything for him but I've had enough!" He yells, fuming with anger.

"Jack relax!" Katherine yells. "How long have you been working each day since you got your job at The World?"

"What does this have to do wi--"

"Jack answer me." Katherine says firmly.

"I start work at 5 and stop at 7:30 but I normally stay a few more hours so I can finish my sketches." He says, still fuming. "But what does this have to do with Crutchie?!"

"Never mind Crutchie. You're overtired. That's why you're being so irritable. Go to the Lodgehouse and get some sleep." Katherine says.
"But I--"

"Save it. You need sleep. You can talk to Crutchie after." She says. Katherine grabs Jack's arm and pulls him out of the park.

Sorry for the short chapter. I normally make them longer but I was so excited to post this story! More will be on the way!

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