Chapter 1 - An guardian angel..

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So I've been working. Writing a  lot. Gonna update all mah stories yo. Did I just say yo? what the fudge. Anyways. Read dis shtuff. In my one shot thingy, da skylox may do da sex. dey do da sex. wat. okay. continuing on. TYme for listening to Patty Walters sing <3 :D ok just read.

Now listen to the song on the side while reading pwease. Its Patty <3 mah lawd im about to die his voice okay im done fangirling over a 20 something year old. Its weird because he looks slightly like my brother, and my brother was able to scream and sing and stuff too. idk. Patty just reminds me of him.  Btw this is not shipping their skins.. its irl, but they look like their skins. if that makes sense.



   I stood on the edge of the cliff, looking down at the rocks and ocean below. Breathing in and out, I said my goodbyes. My last words. "Goodbye mum, goodbye dad.. You guys never cared about me, so you probably won't care that I'm gone." I was crying... "Goodbye everyone at school.. You guys always bullied me... I'm just a fag that you can throw and push around.. Bye everyone.. Nobody cared."

   "I won't be missed by anyone."

  I threw myself off the edge of the cliff, the wind rushing past me (Author's note: If this was a movie, I can picture him like moving in slow motion, with the wind rushing and stuff.. That's how I pictured this in my head while writing it.) I was just about to hit the rocks and end my life, but instead of a sharp pain, I felt myself being caught in someone's arms. 


  I made sure my wings fully disappeared and ran to catch the falling boy. He looked about 16.. (Mitch is gonna be 17/18 in this story. Because this is my story, I get to control it, with some help from you guys o.o) The young boy landed in my arms, his eyes closed. He quickly opened his eyes, looking surprised.

 "Why did you catch me.." The boy asked quietly. "and how?" 

  "Because I didn't want to see your life get taken away from you.." I looked down at him.


  "Because I didn't want to see your life get taken away from you.."

  "Okay.. but what's your name.." He set me down.

  "I'm Mitch.. Im 18, and I was sent to watch after you."

  "Jerome, 16, and who is this creep that sent you to stalk me."

  Mitch laughed and looked at me. "God isn't that creepy.."

  "Wait, what?"


 Mitch showed his wings and Jerome's eyes widened.

 "You're an angel?" (ahaha I just started thinking about this dream my friend had. She had been an angel in the dream and her bf Quentin [Yes I had a brother named Jason and a friend named Quentin. Coincidence. <- did I spell that right..] was staring up at her and kept saying "YOURE AN ANGELLLL" over and over again and then things happened. ahahaahughsagd)

"I'm your guardian angel." Mitch smiled at Jay-rome. (JAYYYYYY-ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMME- im sorry.)



I hope you liked dis. You better or else I will get my brother to haunt you. kthxbye


Hush Little Bacca - MEROME FANFICTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon