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I am a 16 yeard old girl named Margett Monahli. ( Ma nal ee) I was abused by my parents throughout my early child hood. Every one says a mothers love is like no other love. That statement may become false when your parents never loved you at all. My mom and dad were drug addicts, always getting high, I was the one who had to take care of myself. They never cared about my education, or my health. They never cared about me at all. Both of them were 19 when they had me. The sadest part about it is all my memories of them are memories that bring tears to my eyes. I cant even think of a time when they weren't high or drunk. I had a boyfriend when i was 13 his name was Tyler. What i thought we had was love. I thought he cared about me, but i was wrong. He cheated on me with a strawberry blonde. She had everything that i never had. She had caring parents, she had better clothes, she was always better. When i told Tyler i was breaking up with him he went balistic. He tried to strangle me, and make sure i was dead so i wouldn't have a story to tell. He later found out im alive. He decided to jump off a cliff to kill himself, and believe me i wouldv'e pushed him off if i got the honor to. My mom and dad always told me i was fat or ugly. They never liked me. I was wrong to take it for so many years. When i was 14 i was tooken into custody by my grandma. I dont miss my mom or dad. In fact i have one thing i still am working hard to get. REVENGE.

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