It's official.... Were dating

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Ever since Brock kissed me I have been stressed. Yeah i dont know exactly why this should get me stressed!*******************


This morning when i woke up I did not want to go to school at all. There was a pounding feeling in my head. I ran to the bathroom as vomit began to come up, and sure enough it did. It hurt while it all was coming out, but a couple seconds later i felf relief wash over me.

" Sweetheart your staying home, but how do you feel?" grandma asked.

" Im good now." I replied smiling at her. My phone alarm went off, and I got a text from Brock.

***** You ready for school?" ** He texted.

**** Im not going i threw up this morning. Not so good :(*** I texted back. I heard a knock at the door and knew it was Brock. I ran down stairs quickly to let him in.

"Sweety your going to be alone. I have to work, and today we have a meeting that i really need to attend." My grandma said.

" I could stay here with her if thats okay with you?" Brock offered.

" Sure sure, but dont you have to go to school?" She asked.

" Missing one day wont hurt any." Brock replied smiling.

" Well ok then you may stay." My grandma said smiling back. My grandma kissed my cheek and left out the door quickly, being carefull not to trip. Brock stepped inside, and shut the door behind him. I headed back to bed upstairs in my room. Brock followed me up into my room.

" Are you hungry?" Brock asked.

" Just go make me cereal." i replied as i sat down on my bed. Brock left out my door to get me what i asked for. I wonder if were dating now? Does he like me in that way? I know i like him in that way.

" Here you go." He said while handing me my cereal. I put on my night stand for me to eat later.

" Hey i have a question." We both said at the same time.

" Ok you first." i said smiling.

" Do you like me in that way?" he asked.

" Yes, do you like me in that way?" i asked.

" Yes, i knew i wanted you the first day i layed eyes on you. I have had a crush on you since you first moved here." he replied.

" So does that mean were dating?" I asked hoping for a yes.

" Yes." He replied. I was so excited, and tried to keep calm. Brock came and sat down at the end bed by me.

" Your really beautiful." He said while putting his hand on my cheek, rubbing it softly. I started blushing a little hoping he wouldnt notice.

"And your really cute when you blush." He said. I giggled a little bit. Before i could say anything in retern his lips were against mine. I kissed him back, and wrapped my arms around his neck. I was on top of him now, and he was kissing my neck. He reached down towards my pants, but before he could unbottom them i stopped him.

" We cant do this here. It doesn't feel right." I said while rolling off of him.

" That's fine just let me know when you are." he replied.

" Well lets go watch tv." i said while grabbing his hand. I led him down the stairs quickly. He sat down, and patted his lap for me to come and sit in his lap. I was reluctant at first, but i slowly came and sat in his lap. I turned my face to look at him, but instead he starting kissing me. I wasn't going to not kiss him back. He slid his tongue into my mouth, tangling both of out tongues together. I turned my whole body to face him, not breaking away from the kiss. I tangled my fingers in his straight blonde hair.

" Are you sure you want to do this?" Brock asked.

" Yes." I said. Brock got up and carried me into my room. He layed me gently down on my bed. Before i knew it we were making love.


I woke up a few hours later. Brock was laying beside me awake too.

" We should probaly get dressed." i said while getting out of bed.

" Not that your unnatractive, but really i dont want to see you naked." he said while getting up.

" Yeah and i dont want to see your baby marker." i said laughing. We quickly got dressed before my grandma got home.


" Im home sweetheart!!!!" Grandma said as she came up stairs, and into my room.

" Hi grandma." I said as i grabbed Brock's hand. He smiled at me.

" Ok sweetie tell me the truth. Are you two dating?" she asked smiling.

" Yes." i said smiling back. Brock started to kiss me until my grandma cleared her throat. I pulled away gently.

" I guess i will see you tomorrow beautiful." Brock said while giving me a hug. Brock left the room, and to me it sucked to see him leave. My grandma led me down stairs, and started to talk to me about my day.

I started to get tired about 8, so i went up to my bedroom, and fell face first onto my bed. All i could think about was BROCK!!


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