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Sick. Sick.Sick was all i could think when i was vomiting again. It felt like my stomach was being stabbed a thousand times. All i could do was go through the pain, and wait for it to dissapear. I reached under the sink to find some medicine, but all i found were tampons. Wait the last time i had my period was 30 days ago, so im 8 days late!! Now that i think of it Brock and I didn't use a condom either. I must be pregnant. I whipped out my phone and texted Brock.

*** Get over here now!!!**** I texted him. I heard a knock on the door, and i ran down to get it.

" Whats up babe?" Brock asked me.

" Wait up in my bedroom. I need to go buy something, and i will be back soon." I said knowing my mom was already gone at work. I ran out the door and into my car. The only thing that was going through my mind was, OH SHIT IM GOING TO BE A MOM AT 16 YEARS OLD!!!


I ran back into the house with a pregnancy test.I hid it in my shirt hoping he wouldn't see it. I sat down and peed on the "stick". I looked up at the sign on the top. It was a green plus. Shit. Shit.Shit. Im pregnant.

" This cant be happening." I said to myself.

" Can i come in?" Brock asked. Instead i opened up the door and showed him the test.

" Ah." was all brock managed to say as he looked at the top. I could see the guilt in his eyes.

" We cant tell our grandmas until my belly starts to get bigger." i informed him.

" Im with you." He said as he put the test down on my bed.

" Can we just go out to the beach or something?" i asked Brock.

" Yeah lets go." he said while grabbing my hand. He led me down the steps, and out the door. When we got there Brock was still in shock.

" You need to get an abortion." he said.

" N0. My grandma doesn't believe in them." i replied.

" Are you ready to be a mom? No didn't think so." he said.

" Im the one who has to carry it around for 9 months. It's my choice." i informed him.

" What ever you say." he said.

" But i am kinda scared." i said.

" About what?" he asked.

" About what people will think. What my grandma will think." i said.

" You dont need to worry yet." He said putting his hand on my stomach.

" I will be with you every step of the way." he said while smiling at my belly. I looked down and lifted my shirt.

" I already have a little baby bump." i said while giggling a little bit. Brock bent down , and kissed my stomach.

" That tickles." i said smiling. How am I supposed to hide this? Can I even try to?..............

****** sorry its short!! But its one of my fav's!!!!! Make sure to comment and vote!!!!!******************

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