Chapter 1: Natsu Dragneel

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Natsu Dragneel.

That was the one name that was poison to Lucy's ears. The one name that she wished she could forgot, to never have to hear again, the bane of her existence.

However, life wasn't that simple, as if it ever truly was. You couldn't just wish someone's existence away from your memory like that, because if it was, she would've wished him away a long time ago.

There were countless reasons she would want to wish the boy away, but the real reason seemed so trivial. Especially since he was the one who could always make Lucy light up like a bright star on a moonlit night.

The fact that he could make her so jovial, was part of the reason she attempted to banish him from her mind in the first place. He just always seemed to be able to get under her skin and ruin her bad moods, but she no longer wished to remember such times, not anymore.

She remembered every kiss, every touch they'd shared and Lucy detested the fact that he was no longer by her side, so maybe that's why she thought it would be better if he was out of her mind like how he had abruptly had left her life.

Sadly, she couldn't easily erase his childish smirks, and loving glances from her recollection and it only served to make her feel even more dejected to be reminded constantly.

He was her first love, her first kiss, her first everything just as she was his. They'd had a mutual relationship filled with much happiness and blissful moments that she thought would never end.

People said they would get married, and have a fairy tale ending, at least that's how everyone thought things would turn out. That was what was suppose to happen, anyways and yet nothing ever seems to turn out the way it goes in her mind.

They were quite young at the time and God only knows that maybe had they been older and more mature, he would still be with her.

Natsu and Lucy had dated from Freshman year all the way to Senior which added up to just about 4 years in total. In fact, those years were the best years in Lucy's entire life.

Now, Lucy just spends her days in college, every day boring and mundane with nothing to brighten her day like it used to be during those memorable years. Eventually she had plans to become a novelist, so she'd decided to major in Literature.

Luckily for Lucy, her best friend Levy McGarden, also chose to major in the same field and that allowed the two to go to the same college together.

It was yet another stroke of good luck when they were given the privilege to share a dorm, along with many other things which brought them even closer together. Most people would've probably asked for more in life, but just being in college with her best friend, and working towards a career was more than anything Lucy could ever ask for.

The blonde stole a glance away from her book to her clock noting the hour. In a half an hour, the first college football game of the season would commence. Usually, the two girls weren't much interested in the games, but Levy's boyfriend happened to be one of the player's, so they always went to support him of course, especially Levy.

The bluenette was like his little personal cheerleader, even if she wasn't too aware of what was going on.

"Are you ready, Levy? It's almost time to head to the field," Lucy stated, shutting her book with a snap.

"Yeah, just let me finish brushing my hair," She called back.

Levy pulled a brush through her blue locks as Lucy gathered up her purse and a few other items. It didn't take them long before they were ready and heading out the door. They left the dorm room and went straight outside to the football field determined to get a good seat this time, instead of having to sit in the nosebleed seats again.

Many cars flooded the parking lot nearby and hundreds of bodies pushed passed each other going to and fro on their way to the stadium. So many people were enthusiastic about the game, whether they were rooting for Magnolia State, or the visitor.

"I'm going to head to the locker room to see if I can catch Gajeel real quick, to wish him luck. I'll see you in a bit," The petite girl called out, rushing over toward the back hallway that led to the locker room.

Lucy turned upon hearing the girl's request, and continued shoving her way through the gaggle of people, distinctly feeling like a fish swimming upstream. The halls were really bustling with lots of people, but Lucy didn't have too much trouble politely pushing past people and the ones that didn't move got an elbow in the back.

Once she got to the seats, she gazed around the stadium searching for an empty section. Her eyes shifted through the crowd, focused attentively on finding a place not really paying attention to the hustle and bustle of people around her as she focused on her task.

All of sudden, she felt someone push past her, causing her to stumble forward and almost fall down the whole flight of stairs. She let out a soft, panicked scream as she scrambled back to her feet, narrowly missing a face plant the likes of which she'd never forget.

Her eyes darted to look for the person who'd bumped into her, immediately spotting the culprit. Right in front of her was a man wearing a football jersey. He'd briefly turned back with a sincere look plastered on his face as he muttered a soft apology, before continuing to rush off to his destination.

Lucy froze in shock once she spotted the mop of sakura pink hair, as she's only ever known one person to have that hair color. And oh did she know him well, too well in fact.

Natsu Dragneel.

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