Chapter 4: Party Preparations

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The one thing practically everyone knew about Natsu was that he was not one to express his emotions. The only thing know was his feelings were very passionate about everything he did, and he valued friendship above everything else in his life. Besides that, there were only very few instances in which the young man had ever cried in front of someone else.

There was only one time that neither of them could ever truly forget in which he had come to her crying. It was Fall, the start of their Senior year.

Lucy had been curled up in her bed, under her soft warm blankets. Despite the violent thunderstorm and heavy rainfall outside, the blonde was peacefully snoring throughout it all.

It wasn't until a loud clap of thunder echoed through her room before she slightly awake, the loud sound causing panic and adrenaline to rush through her body.

She slowly opened her eyes groggily as she had reached for her phone to check the time. Once she had adjusted her eyes to read the bright screen she was instantly confused.

Natsu Dragneel

What had her boyfriend been doing, calling at three in the morning?

After finally processing the fact he was calling her, she slowly answered confused as to why her ringtone hadn't gone off and the reason for his calling.

"Natsu?" Her soft voice called out questioning the boy as if she was wondering if the moment was real.

"Lucy..." He replied slowly in a voice unfamiliar to her. Usually, he always sounded so positive and happy no matter what was going on. In that moment he sounded like a whole other person.

"What's wrong?" She asked him rubbing her eyes to try her best to wake up.

Natsu let out an inaudible string of words she could barely understand. Her exhausted brain and his stressed tone weren't really the best put together. What he was saying was in a higher pitch than usual, so there was only one explanation behind that. He was crying.

Throughout all her years dating the boy she had only seen him cry once, maybe twice the entire time. He wasn't really much of an emotional person, so of course, he wasn't one who cried often.

"What? I can't understand you." The blonde said calmly, sitting up in her bed still attempting to wake up.

"I had...nightmare... of you dying." The boy whispered along with other words she couldn't hear. She could only put together that he had a dream of her dying from what she could comprehend out of his sobbing and rambling.

The loud thunder cracked outside at the same time her phone signaled a notification that the battery percentage had reached five percent. Panic suddenly went through her body as she noticed she needed to find her charger fast.

As she continued to listen to Natsu's light cries, Lucy used her shoulder to hold the device to her ear. Her arms frantically reached the ground beside her wall to locate her charger.

To her chagrin, she couldn't find the chord anywhere there after a couple minutes of searching. That's when she realized she had left the cable in her locker that day at school. It would have been no big deal normally, but at that moment Natsu was crying to her and that day had been Friday. She wouldn't get to her charger until Monday morning.

"Lucy...don't leave. Don't leave me." He called out in a plea as if he was trying to convince himself of something rather than talk to her.

"Natsu, I'm so sorry-" She began saying before the call cut off as her phone died.

Lucy cursed to herself before putting the phone down. She felt so bad that she couldn't be there for him in that moment. He was always there to comfort the blonde, but that time her phone gave up before she could comfort his tears.

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