Chapter 2: His Pink Hair

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Her high school years one of the best of Lucy's entire life, and she cherished each day greatly.

The blonde grew up without a mother and a harsh father who didn't care about anything except his work. Meaning that she had grown up with a hard lifestyle that hadn't included many good years to begin with. That was until she ran away from home, and put herself into a public school while working to pay the rent of a new apartment, at only fifteen years old.

She had begun at Fairy Tail Academy for her first year of schooling, and that's where she established her friend group. That group consisted mainly of Natsu Dragneel, Erza Scarlet, the gorgeous red haired girl who could scare any boy half to death with a glare, and Gray Fullbuster, Natsu's childhood friend and semi rival he always fought with.

Those three were her happiness, her first actual friends. Of course there were others she met after, such as Levy McGarden, a fellow bookworm who later became Lucy's closest friend;Gajeel Redfox and Juvia Lockser who joined the school a little bit after Lucy. The boy, Gajeel, was known for his many piercings which he got away with despite being against dress code, and Juvia was known for her obsession over Gray. To say she had a crush on the poor guy was simply a major understatement.

Mirajane Strauss, her sister Lisanna, Cana Alberona, and many more were also many other names to add to the list. Nonetheless Lucy had found something most didn't find in school, a family.

Her close knit of friends were all she needed to help her through life, and they loved her way more than her own father had when she still lived in her old house.

The year she joined, the blonde girl and the pink haired boy had clicked after relentless obvious flirting for what seemed forever. All their friends could see the evident attraction between the two except for Natsu and Lucy themselves.

Eventually the two had discovered their feelings for one another were mutual when they'd fallen into a kiss and began dating immediately. Natsu wasn't one to formally ask a girl to date him, and she knew it very well. It was just understood that they were dating, and no one even bothered to question it.

How they acted during their time together was absolutely adorable to everyone. It was the perfect relationship that people dreamed of having.

Not that he would ever admit it to his friends, because Natsu had a masculine reputation he slightly tried to uphold. Although, he was just known for being a hot headed pyromaniac, so having a romantic sweet side known wouldn't do much damage anyways. If anything it would make him seem all the much sweeter.

Their relationship was one practically everyone envied. Lucy could need assistance with the most simplest task, and everyone knew she just had to call his name and he was there. That is if the two were ever apart in the first place. That alone was rare since the two were practically attached at the hip.

They had a balanced relationship. When one was dancing, laughing, and fighting with his friends she would laugh and stand to the side half amused by his antics. She was the calm when he was the chaos. Of course every time he'd get himself in trouble or bruised up badly in a battle she would always let out a few complains about his actions before patching his wounds up.

How he acted with her was different. She was a mostly tranquil writer who spent her days consumed in books, with a soft side for fashion. She had a lot of pride in her appearance, but she wasn't ever overconfident which always cause some embarrassing moments with wardrobe mishaps. Her bubbly personality allowed the young man to be able to joke and tease her for every one of her quirks he'd claim was weird.

"Lucy, I love you so much." Natsu had cooed, walking down the sidewalk with his girlfriend hand in hand, walking for their Sophomore class.

"I love you too, Natsu," Lucy giggled happily, "Now c'mon or we're going to be late for class." The couple squeezed each other's hand, continuing down their route to school.

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