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As Moana and Maui walked into her father's hut they noticed he was alone.

"Dad? Are you okay?" Moana said as she sat down. Maui sat down next to Moana with his magical fish hook in his lap.

"Yes. I wanted to thank you and Maui for saving your mother." Tui said as he looked at Moana and then at Maui.

"Dad don't you would have done the same for your mother." Moana paused for a second thinking about how much she missed her grandmother. "If you will excuse us me and Maui are going to go on a walk." Moana said as she stood up, Maui stood up shortly after and the two walked out of the hut and into the village.

Moana lead Maui up to the hill where the chiefs placed their stones once they became chief. On the top of the pile layed a shell instead of a rock. Maui looked out over the ocean and then down at the village.

"Its a beautiful view." Moana said as she walked over and leaned her head on Maui's shoulder.

"Not as beautiful as you." Maui said as he put his hand around  Moanas waist. Moana looked up at Maui and gave him a kiss. When Moana pulled away Maui gave her a strange look.

"What?" Moana said.

"What was that?"

"What do you mean?"

"That wasn't a kiss. A kiss is like this." Maui said. He wrapped his hands around Moanas waist and pulled her close to him. Maui kissed Moana hard and picked her up. Moana wrapped her legs around Maui's waist and pulled herself closer to him. Moana pulled away and gasped for air, she smiled and then gave Maui another long hard kiss.

"Was that better than the first time?" Moana said as she pulled away leaving her and Maui breathless.

"Much better yes." Maui said as he put Moana down. Moana sat down and then Maui sat down behind her. Moana leaned her head back onto Maui's chest. Maui put his hands around her stomach and Moana rested her hands on top of Maui's.

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