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As Maui sailed around the island his son stood at the edge of the canoe watching in amazement as he could see the whole island.

"Back up Kanoa." Maui said as his son stood on the edge of the canoe.

But it was to late, Kanoa had fallen into the ocean. Kanoa began to drown but wouldn't let it happen, Maui dove in after his son. Once Maui had gotten Kanoa back on the canoe he decided they needed to head back.

When Maui got back to the island Kanoa ran to his mother. Moana got Kanoa as he jumped into her arms, she stumbled backwards a little bit.

"Goodness! Did you miss me that much?" Moana said hugging her son.

"Kanoa me and your mother have to talk. Go see grandma Sina." Maui said sternly yet angrly. Moana put her son down and kissed his head before he ran off towards her parents hut.

Moana grabbed Maui's hand and the two walked towards their hut. Moana closed the curtian behind them and Maui sat down on some pillows and Moana sat down next to him. Moana gave Maui a kiss but he had a troubled look.

"What happened out there Maui?"

"Our son feel off the boat and almost drown!" Maui said mad.

"But, he didn't, because you were there to save him." Moana said scooting closer to Maui. Maui sighed as he realized Moana was right. He gave her a kiss and then stood up.

"Where do you think you're going?" Moana said smiling as she stood up. Maui grabbed Moanas waist and pulled himself close to her. Although they were married and had a child they still had there days where all they wanted to do was love in each other and thus was one of those days.

As Maui began to kiss Moana he felt the way he did when they had first kissed long and hard. It was a feeling he would never forget.

When Maui pulled away he smiled and began to kiss Moanas neck. On reaction Moana began to gasp. Moana made a small whimper noise and then looked at Maui as he pulled away.

There was a knock and then Sina walked in with a worried expression.

"Mom? What is it?" Moana said looking worried.

"Kanoa, he's hurt!" Sina said looking terrified.

"NO!" Moana screamed as she feel and Maui caught her. She wasn't ready for any bad news especially nothing like that.

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