Chapter two: Way of the Emo

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Ryan and Pete ran to the bathroom, grabbing Gerard by the shoulders.
"What are you doing man?"

"You're crazy! You can't do this!" Ryan, shook him, with wide eyes staring at the pencil in Gerard's fingers.

"Way of the Emo..." Gerard said, the eyeliner pencil in his fingers. Thumbs underneath, putting pressure on it to break the pencil.

"No! You'll destroy the one thing Emo's stand for!"Pete shouted.

"The music?" Gerard asked

"The fandom?"

"The eyeliner?"


"Wait the eyeliner?!"

"Yes, the eyeliner, the one way we can find out who's emo, and who's not."

"But why does that qualify as being Emo?"

"Because it does. Now, where were we."

Gerard stopped, looked at the eyeliner and started putting on more coats of it. Singing I'm Not Okay (I Promise) to himself. Ryan and Pete looked at each other, slowly they backed away. Walking back into the living room, where Patrick was laying on Frank now and Brendon was messing with his hair.Frank looked up hearing I'm (not) okay, and jumped up, making Patrick and Brendon fall on the ground and frank ran to the bathroom kissing gerards cheek when he sang trust me. Brendon got back up, peeking into the bathroom with Ryan.

"So gay...." Brendon mumbled, his hand on Ryan's ass.

"Yeah.. totally gay.." Patrick rolled his eyes, Pete help him up.

"Thanks Pete." He smiled at his lover. Pete nodded in the most Emo way he could. Patrick loved his gay Emo boy so much, more than anyone would ever know.
Gerard and Frank exited the bathroom, Ryan and Brendon looked at each other, and Ryan looked down at Brendon's hand. Which was still on his ass. He blushed, as Ryan's hand came up to caress Brendon's cheek. Stroking his cheek with his thumb.

"Should we...?" Brendon asked, lustfully.

"While they're?-" Ryan said with a shaking breath.

"Yeah..." purred Brendon, seductively.
Brendon dragged Ryan to the bathroom. Closing and locking the door behind them.
Suddenly, the front door of the apartment was kicked in, and their stood in all of his holy emoness, CrankThatFrank.

"Did someone say Ryden?" He panted, the effort of the door kick seeming a little too much for the repressed Emo. Pete, Patrick, Gerard and Frank just pointed to the bathroom door, the small room filling with "oh's" "ah's" "right there's" and "Faster, Fasters." And heavy breathing.
Crankthatfrank ran up to the bathroom door, with a gallon of milk in hand, and kicked open the bathroom door throwing a gallon of milk in there then closed the door and left without any contexts. The two glanced at the milk, without another word Brendon grabbed it.

"Frank... what are you even doing here-"

"Ryden." The blue haired man said.

"But we-"

"Ryden." He said again, more firmly this time.

"Riiight...." Frank said. Glancing at the other's to see if they all saw him too or if it was just Frank. All of a sudden Tom Cruz appeared inside the bathroom.
"put the fucking milk inside Ryan's ass you emo fucks, it isn't that hard." Tom the emo Lord said.
"Also frank make more emo bands on crack you repressed emo." Tom said.

"Tom Cruz is gonna kill me. If I don't get back to work..." Frank said, scooting out of the bathroom

"You gay Emo fuck, get back to making Emo kids cry." Tom said in his godly voice.

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