Chapter 3: Wii hate Mario Kart Wii

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(This chapter is a WIP so forgive for the shortness! -Wolfie & Iliana)

"What the fuck, I'm not even hard anymore." Brendon said, dumping the gallon of milk in the tub. Ryan only nodded in understanding. He had no fucking clue what just happened, (as probably many of you don't as well.)

Frank walked into the bathroom, dragging Ryan out of the bathroom.
"So.. you saw that too?"

"Yes." Ryan said, nodding.

"Brendon, get out here!" Frank yelled.
Brendon walked out of the bathroom slowly contemplating what he just saw.

"Why was Tom Cruz in our bathroom again?"

"BECAUSE HE WANTED YOU TO PUT MILK IN RYAN'S ASS AGAIN!" Gerard chimed in with a "haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!" (Syler is Panic! Trash)

"Why would Brendon want to put milk in my ass...?" Ryan asked, a little terrified.

"Ryan was kneeing in the bathtub, a towel under his hand, and another under his knees... I mean I don't know why." Gerard said coldly.
Frank looked over at his boyfriend, nope, not gonna mention anything. It scared him a little that Gerard knew so much about each of the couples. Well... Most of the couples. Gerard started saying something else about lungs and cherries, more fucked up shit. Suddenly, Someone got the brilliant idea to pull out the wiimotes. The brilliant idea to play Mario Kart Wii had hit them all.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2017 ⏰

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