A new transfer

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Rise and shine in magnolia town and there was a blonde girl and she's living in a huge and big big mansion and she live with a maid named Virgo as known as celestial spirit of Layla Heartfilia which is the mother of the blonde in the wonderful mansion and she has a servant named capricorn which is the celestial spirit of these blonde girl. She really likes to study and she likes wearing eye glasses and she was transferring in a most popular school in fiore which is  the fiore academy and there were many guilds to join and therw was eight cool boys in the school and they are Gray, Natsu, Sting, Rogue, Loke, Laxus, Jellal, and Hibiki and there with the blonde girl.     


The story starts here


Lucy's POV

Wow! fiore academy is sure huge
and nice.

I stepped in then someone greeted me.

"While, hello there new student and welcome to Fiore academy."  A white long hair greeted lucy. "Hi! My name is Lucy Heartfilia and it's nice to meet you ms..." Lucy said. "Ms. Mirajane the assistant of our principle." Mirajane said. "Oh! It's honor to meet you." Lucy bowed. "Come, i'll guide you to master." Mirajane said.   "Yes mam." Lucy said.

Time skips...

"Master here is our new student."  Mirajane said. "Let her/ him in." Master said. "Okay master." Mirajane said and called Lucy.

"Good morning Mr. Makarov." Lucy said and bow her head. "Just call me master." Makarov said. "Okay, master." Lucy said.  "Here's your dorm key." Makarov said. "Thank you master but what's my dorm letter?" Lucy asked. "It's dorm letter M." Makarov said. "Thank you sir." Lucy said. "You may go to your dorm." Makarov said. "Bye sir." Lucy said and leave.

"Lucy! Let me tour you and go to were is your locker is." Mirajane said.  "Thank you mam."  Lucy said. "Please call me Mirajane only." Mirajane said. "Um... okay Mirajane." Lucy said. "Come on." Mirajane said. "Okay." Lucy said.

After touring Lucy around...

"Thanks mirajane." Lucy said. "No problem and you can start tomorrow." Mirajane said. "Goodbye Mirajane." Lucy said. "Bye Lucy." Mirajane

Time skip's...

I open the door and...

"Huh? A new student." A boy with a blonde hair and a scar on his eye said.

"And it's another blonde again." A pink spiky hair said. "Do you have problem at blondes?" The blonde spiky hair asked. "No." The pink spiky hair said. "Good." The blonde spiky hair said.

"Um... hi is this dorm letter M?" Lucy asked. "Why ya ask." A  boy in a raven hair said. "Because master told me that my dorm is letter M." Lucy said. "Your room is on upstairs and the color is pink." The blue hair said.  "Ok thank you." Lucy said and go up to her room.

* downstairs*

"Geez... why did gramps put the nerd on us." One of the blonde boy said. 

"I don't know but i'm gonna ask what's her name." A boy with glasses said and go upstairs.

"Yeah! Talk to the blondie nerd." The guy with nice look said.

"Whatever!" The guy with a glasses said.


"Hey can you open the door." The boy with a glasses said. "Ok." Lucy said and open the door. "Can I ask you something." The boy with a glasses said. "Sure what is it?" Lucy asked. "What is your name?" The boy with a glasses. "It's Lucy and you are?" Lucy said and bring her hand up. "I'm Loke." Loke said. "Um...I better go because i'm doing something." Lucy said. "Yeah." Loke said and close Lucy's door.


"So how is it Loke?" The raven hair said. "It's fine." Loke said. "So what's her name?"  The raven hair said. "Why should I tell you?" Loke said. "Whatever I will know that soon." The raven boy said.

Lucy go down and make their dinner.

"What smells so good?" The pink spiky hair said. "Maybe the blondie is making our dinner." The one of the blonde boys said. "Dinners ready guys!" Lucy said. "Yeah, yeah!" They all said and sit on the dinning room and eat and talk. "By the way Lucy this pink spilt hair is Natsu then this raven hair guy is Gray then the blonde with scar is Laxus then the spiky blonde hair is Sting then the brown like me is Hibiki and then the black hair is Rogue and this blue hair guy is Jellal ." Loke said. "Hi my name is Lucy and it's nice to meet you." Lucy said. "Nice to meet ya too." They said. 

*After dinner*

"Thanks for cooking us." Natsu said. "No problem." Lucy said. "Anyway good night." Loke said. "Good night to all of you." Lucy said and go to her room.

*Lucy's room*

"What a day and why the hell i'm with the boys." Lucy said and sleep.


"What do you guys think she looks like when she don't have glasses?" Gray asked.  "Let's make a plan then?" Hibiki said. "I think we should take her glasses at school." Natsu said. "Why at school, flame brain!" Gray said. "What's the problem, ice princess!" Natsu said and start fighting. "Well Gray is right, why should it get when is on school?" Rogue asked. "I think it's because she will get on her room." Sting said. "You're right." Loke said. "So who's gonna get her glasses?" Hibiki asked. "..." All went silent. "I think Laxus!" They all said except for Laxus. "Break her glasses after you get it but first we have to surround her and were gonna do it next week ." Loke said. "How if it fails?" Gray asked. "Then will have the plan B." Hibiki said. "What is the plan B?" Laxus asked. "Let's get her glasses in her room and if she is sleeping were gonna be quiet." Hibiki said. "Nice plan." They all said. "Let's go to sleep already."
Jellal said. "Then you go to sleep!" They shouted. "Yeah whatever." Jellal said and go to his room. "I guess we better sleep." Hibiki said. "Yeah it's kinda late already." Hibiki said and they all go to their own room and sleep.

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