♡Welcome To The Hunger Games♡

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§Chapter 1§

Katniss' POV-

I woke up with a startled gasp, my heart beating wildly as I whipped my head around. "Prim! Prim, where are you?!" I stand up quickly, stumbling a bit.

Prim comes into the bedroom, quietly, with wide scared eyes. Her golden brown eyes were red-rimmed, telling me she had been crying just a little while ago.

I let out a thankful sigh, pulling her into my arms. "Goodness Prim! I thought you were gone! Don't scare me like that!" I stood back, checking her over to make sure she is fine. When I was satisfied that she was, I let go of her.

I pushed my hair out of my face, "Let's go get ready, alright little duck?" She nodded before leaving the room to let me get ready.

I grabbed a bucket and go to the river to fill it with cold water. I then bring it to the fire and boil it a bit to make it like warm. When that is done, I bring the bucket out back where there is privacy to scrub myself clean. While my hair air dries, I put on the outfit my mother has lied out for me.

My mother and Prim come in, and just seeing Prim in her outfit brought tears to my eyes. She was too young to be involved in this, she was only 12 for Christ Sakes! She shouldn't even be in the drawings, but thank God that her name was only in there once. 'She isn't going to be called, Katniss. Her name is only in there once, remember that. You are more likely to get called.' I thought frantically, worried like a mother would be. Except, my mother didn't look worried. She looked calm.

I stood in front of the mirror, my mother working on braiding my hair. I could see Prim in the reflection, staring at me. "I wish I looked like you." She mumbled sadly. I moved away from my mothers hands and to Prim, kneeling in front of her. "No, I wish I looked like YOU little duck." Our conversation was interrupted by the call for the gathering in the square.

I stood up again, "Tuck in your tail, little duck." I whispered, helping Prim tuck in her shirt in the back.

We all walked out the door and to the square, me and Prim attracted at the hip. I turned to Prim, "I have to go in this line, you in that one. Find me after, alright?" She nodded, clearly not wanting to talk, and not wanting to leave me.

After the blood test, I was ushered to the older girl teen side. Prim was no where to be seen, and I was starting to freak out. "God dang..where is she?" I mumbled, looking around.

"Welcome! Welcome! Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor!" Effie's voice burst throughout the square, her Capitol accent full on. "Now, before be begin, we have a special message brought to you all the way from the Capitol!"

I zoned out during the video, and started to look around again. I could see Gale staring at me, so I nodded towards him.

After the video, Effie turned around and sighed. "I just love that!" She smiled, her pink lips looking weird against the mike. "Now, as usual, ladies first!" She strut across the stage, her light pink glove hovering over the bowl of girls' names. I sucked in my breath, looking up at her. After Effie was back at the mike, she unfolded it. "PRIMROSE EVERDEEN." I gasped, looking around frantically for her.

I saw Prim walking up slowly to the stage. "Where are you?" Effie asked, looking around. Once she saw Prim she smiled again, "Come on up dear."

I pushed through people, trying desperately to get to Prim. "Prim! Prim!" I finally go to the walking area. "I volunteer!" I looked up at Effie. "I volunteer as tribute!"

Prim turns around as I walk past. "No! Katniss, NO!" She tries to run to me but Gale comes up from behind her and grabs her. "Come on, Prim.." He carries her away while she tries to get away, still screaming my name.

I walk up and on to the stage, quietly observing the area. "Well, it looks like we have a volunteer! What's your name, dear?" Effie says excitedly. "Katniss Everdeen." I say quietly into the microphone. "I'd bet my hat that was your sister?" Effie asks, looking at me. I look at Prim. "Yeah."

Effie lets out a high laugh, her smile looking like it was painted on. "Give a hand to District 12's first volunteer!" She starts to clap, but soon stops when she sees that no one is clapping with her. A random person in the audience raises their three fingers to their lips, and raises it into the three finger salute. Soon everyone is doing the same thing. The three finger salute means thanks, admiration, and good-bye to a loved one.

Effie clears her throat, "And now for the boys!" She repeats the process and opens her mouth to say the name. "PEETA MALLARK." I look up at him, getting flashbacks of him saving me. "We'll go on you two, shake hands." I stared at him, before bringing up my hand for him to shake. I turned back to the crowd. "Here we are, our tributes from District 12!"

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