♡ Prince Charming ♡

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§Chapter 3§

Katniss' POV-
The ride down to the feast was awkward to say at the least. Tension was so thick in the air i could cut it with a knife. No one said a word other from when Effie sneezed and Peeta said 'bless you'.

From looking at Peeta you could tell he is a total softie and probably wouldn't last long in the actual games themselves. But getting sponsors for him was most likely a piece of cake. Total sweetheart, but a sissy if you ask me or any other tributes.

Once we got down to the second floor where the feast was located, Effie stepped out first, her hands in the air as if she was victorious. "Ah! Look at how generous the Capitol is! Giving you guys a feast. The president, Snow, has never done this before." She says in her ridiculous Capitol accent. "Ah, yes. How lucky they are to get a feast before they must slaughter each other til there is only one left." Haymitch retorts, his disgust clear in his voice.

All of a sudden the room was quiet. All eyes were on district 12. They were the last to arrive, and this only made the other districts hate district 12 even more. Some girl that was standing beside a big blonde boy snorted. "Ah, and the weakest district finally arrives." She laughs, thinking her 'joke' was absolutely hilarious.

I roll my eyes, not finding it funny at all. "Ya? Tell me that when I kill you in the arena." I retort, my voice laced with venom as I glare her down.

I heard a snort come from her while a laugh comes from the blonde boy. "Funny. We will see about that in the arena." She says, snorting again.

The blonde boy steps up, him sizing up Peeta. "And what about you, boy? You got anything to say?" He growls, his eyes in slits. "Uh..Katniss? Can we go to Effie and Haymitch?" He slightly stutters on his words. "What a whimp!" The blonde boy says, barking out a laugh.

I step up, putting my face in his. "Excuse me? That is my district you are talking to blonde boy. I suggest you back up or I might just break your face right here." I snarl, my voice giving off a hard edge.

All he does is stare down at me, an eyebrow cocked. "Wow. I like you, ya little spit fire." He said, smirking before sticking out his hand. "The name is Cato."

Cato's POV-
She was absolutely beautiful. And I wanted her as an ally. But could she survive? Could she shoot? Could she kill someone if it came down to it? And she was from an outlet district, the weakest of the weakest. The other careers would skin me if I asked her to be my ally without their permission. But I didn't want her to die.

She snorted, glaring at my hand. "Who do you think you are to give you the right to make fun of my district and then try and give me your name?" She looking conflicted before she finally shook my hand. "My name is Katniss. And this," she said pointing at the preppy looking blonde boy next to her. "is Peeta."

From one look at him, I knew I hated his guts. He was way too preppy and happy to be liked by anyone but the Capitol.

"Hi! As you just heard, I'm Peeta." He said, a big obviously fake smile plastered to his pale face. He stuck his hand out, in which I just stared at. "What? Got something on your hand? Why are you sticking it out?" I said, scowling at him.

Katniss scoffed and turned, walking away with Peeta following like a lost puppy. He looked so pathetic. I wanted to be the one to kill him, slowly and painfully.

The feast from then on went pretty uneventfully. Clove continued to glare at Katniss, but surprisingly winked at Peeta a few times.

When we went back to our rooms, I took note on how Clove continued to smirk and have an evil glint in her eyes.

"Alright, come on." I said, pulling Clove into my room. Once we were in I shut the door and turned to her. "What was up with you winking at Peeta at the feast?" I snarled, my eyes turned into slits. Now don't get the wrong idea, I don't like Clove. "Awe, someone jealous?" She questioned, winking at me. I rolled my eyes at this. How cocky can she get?

"No, you had a smirk plastered on your face." I replied, my glare only hardening as she tried to play stupid. "I have no clue what you are talking about." I continued to glare, not saying anything. Finally her play face turned into a serious one. "I saw what you were doing with Katniss. You were flirting to get her to trust you, then you were gonna slaughter her in the games when she least expects it." She said, smirking at what she had come up with.

My eyes widened at this. Kill her? Like I would ever do such a thing! I would rather die then let her be killed. But what choice did I have around Clove? "True, but why did you wink at Peeta then?" I asked, curious on her reasoning. "To do the same as you. And then, when they are dead, me and you can finally be a solid team." She said cockily, like she thought I would go with whatever she said.

"Yes, I can't wait."

Katniss' POV-
I can't believe that cocky bastard. How could he think he can insult my district and then flirt with me? How dare he?

My thoughts kept returning to him as I lay in bed. I couldn't sleep knowing that he was in this building somewhere. Why? I don't know myself.

I finally sat up in bed, the silky blue covers falling around my waist. I pushed myself out of bed and walked to the door and up the stairs that lead to the roof. Here I could just relax without anyone bugging me. I could think without being interrupted.

I sat on the smooth stone, my knees to my chest and my arms wrapped around them. Letting out a heavy sigh, I placed my forehead on my knees.

"You too huh?" I heard a familiar voice. One that sent shivers down my spine. One I thought I would not hear tonight, but secretly hoped I did.

I turned my head to look at Cato. He looked perfect, even at night while I probably resembled a caveman. Cato's hair was perfectly swept to one side, his blue eyes twinkling under the lights. His sweatpants hung loosely on his hips in a hot yet innocent way. A white wife beater covered his very evident abs.

I nod, too lost for words to reply. He was absolutely perfect in every way I could think of.

"Too speechless? Am I really that hot?" He says cockily, smirking at me. I roll my eyes but my heart flutters. He sits next to me, his closeness radiating heat.

"Katniss?" He whispers, his minty breath hitting me in the most perfect way. "Ya?" He starts to get closer, his breath on my ear. "I want you as my ally in the games." I was startled to say at the least. A career asking for an outlet district tribute to be their ally? Never less a girl? "Why?" I whisper back, my heart leaping when I see how close he is.

"There is something about you. Something that I can't stay away from. Something that I want-no, need. Katniss, I want to protect you."

❦Forbidden❦(A Cato/Katniss Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now