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I squat watching the two fight. Batman and Robin. Robin spinning his stupid little rod to block attacks and batman throwing stuff to make attacks. 'HAHAHAHA....TIME TO DIE BATMAN!", Joker laughs. "Hey, what about me?", joked Robin. "Well...she'll handle YOU!", Joker laughs pointing to me. I smile and giving a nice nod. I jumped down from the building rooftop, and give Robin my hand to shake. "Hello, Nice to met ya! I'll be your opponent!", I say sweetly. He hits my hand away with his metal rod. I rub the part of my hand that's red from the hit. "Hey! I gave you my hand to shake...not hit!", I say like I'm a little child. Robin gets into his fighting stance. "Let's just fight already!", He says charging out me. I simply slid out of the way and watch him fall on his face. Robin got up, glaring at me. "JUST FIGHT ME ALREADY!', Robin yells swinging his rod at me. I take my rod and block his. I press a small button to make my rod longer. I slip my hand behind me and grasp onto my second rod. I swing my second rod around  and slam it against Robin's chest sending him flying.  I slowly put my hands limply by my side with the rids sticking out. I turned around a Batman staring at me leaning on the wall.

 "Wheres-", I try to say. "He left you, as he says 'Every man-ahem- woman for him-or her-self'...", He said. Batman gets off the wall and walks over to Robin and helps him up. "Welp, then I better be going-", I try to say. "Not so fast.", a male voice says. "Why not?", I tease. "Hands.", he states. I pull my hands up to my face. There were steel-embedded handcuffs on them. The handcuffs had two holes, one for each cuff. In the holes was a signal green crystal  that glowed. (Hey,D.C Fans guess what it is??Like it isn't obvious)"Guess I'm going with the 'Good guys'?", I saysarcastically doing quotation gestures with my fingers. "Lets get going.", Batman says as he walks off, with Robin following. Robin looked back. "Hey, um...Nightshade, lets get going!", Robin said. I lifted my knee and slammed the middle of the cuff against my knee. At first touch they broke in half. I wiggled my hands freely. "Ahh, that's more like it~!", I say, putting my hands behind my head. "And, Nightshade? No...maybe Sparrow? Yeah that's much better!", I say sweetly walking up to Robin. A ship flew in front of Batman, who looked super stern, and it's doors opened upwards.

"Sparrow? Do we need another bird?", asked a man who stepped forwards into the dimmed street light. The man was wearing a green suit the man also had blonde facial hair and head hair. I brought my hand out and put it in a gun gesture. "Ah you must be Green Arrow? Tell me, are your arrows really green?", I ask, jokingly. "She's right, are they?", asked a girl that looked like Green Arrow, but a girl. "HAHAHA, I LOVE this girl!", asked a man in a red suit with a lightning bolt in the center. Doing the same gesture, I pointed at him. "And you're the Flash! tell me, do you ever 'flash' people?", I ask putting my hand on my hip, and put my other on my other hip. "Ew! what?! No!", he shouted disgusted. I heard five other people laugh. three boys stepped forwards laughing. One with red messy hair in a yellow suit similar to the Flash's. One with white buzzed hair, he was dark toned, he had on a red wet suit with no sleeve. He also had gills on his neck and black lines across his arms. a boy, if that's what he was, in a blue and black get up, he kinda looked like one of those an Egyptian scarab, but blue and black. I pointed at the mini-Flash. "You are...Kid Flash? Are you the Flash's son?", I ask. I point at the dark toned  boy. "Sorry, who are you two?", I ask, pointing at the scarab and then at the dark toned boy, then back again. 

"I'm Blue Beetle!", The Beetle said waving at me. "And I'm Aqua Lad, Nice to meet you.", Fish dude said politely. "Ooooh, I like this one, his nice!"I say putting my hand out for Aqua lad to shake, in which he does, unlike Robin over there. "Hello, I' M'Gann M'orzz!", a girl, that was green, said to me. She gave meh her hand, In which I shook. The green girl wore a white sleeved shirt with a red 'X' around it, with a blue cap and boots, she also had on a blue skirt with a red belt with a golden circle in the middle. "Nice get-up!", I say nicely. "U-uh thanks!", M'gann said blushing. Soon Martian Manhunter appeared from the dark also with Superman and, what looked like, a clone of his but younger. "So we have, Flash, Kid Flash, Batman, Robin, M'gann, Martian Manhunter, Superman, Green Arrows, and who are you?", I ask pointing at the female version of Green Arrow. "Artemis.", She said smiling. "What about me?", asked the clone. Superman looked at him and put a hand on his shoulder. I looked over at the clone. "Um...I'll call you...Conner, you look like a Conner.", I say sweetly. "Whoa! Is she a a psychic?!", Kid asked amazed. "No, but this is somewhat. Man, my boss is AWESOME!", I say taking off Conner's tracker and data tracker. I went to every one else and took theirs off to.

"When did he out these on us?!", Robin asked flicking his towards me. "He didn't. I did.", I say pretending to be hurt by his words. "Who are you guys talking about?!', they all asked. "My lovely boss, The Amazing, Wonderful-", I say but Batman interrupts me. "The Joker.", HE days calmly. "Wow, you really like to make a joke out of things now don't-cha'.", I say meanly towards Batman, in which he glares at me. "You work for the Joker?!", Kid asked me surprised. "Yep!", I say. "Now if I'm going to jail lets get going!", I say nicely stepping on board. "Wait-where did her cuffs go-ROBIN!", Batman say glaring at me then Robin. "Lets go already!", I shout.

 ~*Lé TimeSkippé*~

We soon landed on a platform near a mountain, in happy Harbor. "we're taking a pit stop.', Wally said, I had learned, almost, everyone's name. We had M'gann, of course. Conner, Wally, Bruce, Clark, Artemis, and some other ones. "Kay, oh, can I come along?", I ask. "Sure.", Robin says opening the door. We stepped out. o walked in side the opening ground tube-y thing. "Can we go yet?", I asked looking around outside. I say a flying helicopter with the word 'HAHA' written on it. "Actually never mind!", I say. I ran backwards and attached my grappling hook, that came out of my gloves o my arm, to the top of the Happy Harbor Mountain, and pulled my self up to there. I ran around the mountain and jumped off it. Soon a ladder fell from the helicopter but still attached to it. I grabbed the bottom of the ladder, and pulled myself on it. I put one foot on the second-to-the-bottom step on the ladder and held on, waving bye to the new friends I had just made. "SPARROW!", Batman yelled. I smile and shout, loud enough for him to hear me, but sweetly."Bye-Bye Un-cie Bruce!".  

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