~*Loner-Chapter 2*~

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I walk down the dimly lit sidewalk. I turn to a door to the right. One the door says, "DON'T ENTER", or  "MURDER INVESTIGATION". I open the door and walk inside, and also close the door. The floor had a mint green color, but looked darker sense there was no light. The walls were a dark blue, and the ceiling white. Once you walked n there was a door way that led into the kitchen and one on the right that led into the living room. To the left there were stairs with under them. I walked to the door under the stairs and opened it. I laid my bag full of grocery's in it with school bag. I walked up the stairs, and turned right to a short hallway. There was a closed, and barricaded up door at the end of the hallway. There were two doors, one for each side of the hallway. I walked down the hallway and went into the door on the right, it led into the bathroom, that surprisingly worked. I got my toothbrush and put it under the clean-ish water. I got out my tooth paste and put a pea sized amount on the toothbrush. I put the toothbrush in my mouth and brushed for a minute. I spit out the toothpaste and washed my toothbrush. I looked at my self in the mirror and sighed. I walked to the door on the left, which was my bedroom and went to bed, still in my school uniform.

I woke up and brushed my teeth and got into the shower, then stepped out then brushed my hair and dried it also. I put on my, now, cleaned, school uniform and walked out of the abandoned. I walked silently into the courtyard of Gotham Academy, and saw the amazing and wonderful Dick Grayson. I smirked. I walked quietly and stealthily and slid my hand into his jacket pocket and pulled it out grabbing his earbuds and mp3 player. I quickly put them into my pocket.


I sat in drama, with my feet propped up onto the back of a theater chair with The Grayson's playlist playing in my ears. "AVIAN HAWKTON GET UP HERE!", Simon Trent yells form one stage. "Uhm? Kay gotcha!", I shout as I do a back-flip landing behind the chair I was sitting. I calmly walk up to the stage. "You'll be JULIET!", Trent says, excitedly. "Hold on! Two reason, why I'm NOT going to do it!", I say calmly. "Reason 1) Dick Grayson is Romeo. I. Despise. Him.", I say walking back to my seat. 'What happened to reason two?", Dick asked me, smirking. "I said one reason, not two you dim-wit.", I say, also smirking. "No you didn't!", Dick says getting angrier. "Did to!", I say sitting down. "Did not!", He says. RING...RING...RING, the bell for the end of the day goes off. "YAY, I'M GONE, SEE YA NERDS!", I shout running out. "Hey, Avian! Wanna go to my house tonight?", Barbra asked as she saw me going out of the theater. "Um...let me think about it... I have practice, practice, gotta um practice some more then um...go do something with, I don't know, my non-existing family, so that'll be a No.", I say venom dripping from my every word. 

"What's her probl-" Barbra tries to say but can't by an explosion happening in the theater. "DICK!", Barbra says trying to get rid of her friends grasp. I run from the theater to the bathroom. I un-zip my school bag and begin out my Sparrow get-up. I slip the get-up on and rush outside. I see Robin and batman fighting of course the Joker. I see a fire in the theater. I run towards the door. I"I'll get everyone out!", I shout. "When did you get here?", Robin asked blocking an attack. "I've been here!", I say jumping into the fire. I look around and gather the students who hadn't ran fast enough to escape but were still alive, and of course Simon Trent. I help everyone out and they run out of the building soon the justice league is here. "Welp, see ya!" I say running. I run into the bathroom, and change into Avain Hawkton's clothes and climb through the air pipes in the roof. I climb into the theater and pretend I hand't made it. "HELP!, HELP!"I scream. Robin comes in to the fire and looks around to find me, once he does find me, he and pulls me out of the theater room. "Are you okay, Av-Miss?", He ask me. "Y-yeah thanks!", I say, pretending to stutter. I run out of the building. "Phew that was a close one!", I say running home.

~*Lé TimeSkippé*~

I attach my grappling hook to the side of the mountain and slide my way down there. I jump down to the bottom and see Robin in our assigned meeting place. '"Hey!", I say waving. "So you've decided to show up!", He says sarcastically. "Yep! Happy?", I ask. "Let's get down to business. Why was Joker there?", Robin ask me avoiding my question. "how am I supposed to know?", I ask. "well you are his sidekick-", Robin tries to say. "No, I'm a vigilante or something like that, going to the side that gives me the most benefits.",  I say sitting down. "Then you're no help at all.", A voice says. "Uncie!", I say shouting as I stand up. "Surrender, or I'm going to tell your dad.", Batman said. "You must be joking, acting like My dad is still alive, YOU KILLED HIM!", I say. "Listen! I didn't kill him!", Batman says trying to settle the argument. I turn around and fall down the cliff side, grappling hook to the city building's.

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