Chapter 2

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S/N = Sister's name
B/N = Brother's name
F/N = Father's name
M/N = Mother's name

(Your POV)

Six years earlier

Dropping out of college was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.  I would've still been in but a family emergency came up.

My mother was in the hospital due to an accident.  Hit and run.. That is.. She was currently in a coma so I had to come home to help around the house, to help my younger siblings (if you have none well you do now), and of course, make sure mom is okay.

I had currently came back from the store with groceries, some movies and snacks.  I feel like my little brother and sister deserved something good at the moment.  Maybe it can give them hope that mom would be okay.

As I walked inside, I saw the basics.  (S/N) laying on the couch on her phone, talking about going to her friends house.  My brother playing video games with his friends not caring about anything at all.

The house is a huge mess though.  How the hell did they do that so quick? 


No response.



Now I'm kinda frustrated.  And I'll do what any other sister would do.  I don't like yelling though.  That makes it worse.  I go to the laundry room and turn off the breaker.

That very moment, my brother stormed into the laundry room and started asking me a multiple questions of why I did that.

I just ignored him though.  See how you like it, you little shit.  I turn the breaker back on and go to the living room.
"Alright, you four!" I point to (B/N) friends, "Either you guys help clean, or get the hell out!"  Three of his friends stood up and walked out the door.  Except the fourth one, Jerry.  Atleast we know who's the real friend.

"Thanks Jerry."

"No trouble." He replied

An hour had passed and the house was clean.  Jerry's grandma called for him to come home already.  I didn't really want him to go since it was late but he just lived a block down so I stood outside and made sure he got home okay.

"(Y/N). I'm going to Stephanie's house."

"Are you telling me or asking me?"

"I'm telling you.  I talked to dad and he said it's fine.  She's on her way to pick me up anyways."

I honestly didn't know what to say but I couldn't exactly tell her what to do since dad said it was fine. "Well-"


I rubbed my ears. "Yes, but why did you have to yell?"

"Because there was sightings of him last night!"

This kinda made me squeamish.  Anything can happen to any of us.  (S/N) was going to her friends and the murderer could end up there.  Anything is possible. Stephanie lives in a high watch area though.. She should be fine.  I hope.  Me and (B/N) will be okay. 

I look to my sister, "Call me when you get to her house okay?"

She nodded, grabbed her bag and waited for Stephanie to call.

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