Friend and Enemy

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As he walked away i sighed in releif that he was gone , i tured to see my locker 29B right beside me . I walked up to it and opened it to put lunch and my bag inside,suddenly the bell rang and everybody came quickly to there lockers grabbing random junk while i just grabbed my Notebook,pen and my scheduel as i walked myself to class i saw Anna with that Jok from before HOLDING HANDS!!! i ran to Anna taking her hand and taking her to the janitors clorset But when i turned around i grabbed.............THE JOKS HAND!. "Sorry i was supposed to grab my sisters hand" i said embarresed " but when i headed for the door knob it was locked that jok LOCKED IT! he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer "Whats the matter Babe!" he said with a smirk " Im not your Babe now get off of me!" i tryed to pull away but his grip was too strong i screamed "HELP!!" the jok covered my mouth with is huge hands Then suddenly the door opened........

Jelsa in High schoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora