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I love this song so much. I love BTS. I was dragged into Kpop hell. So please join me and listen to this song. It's one of my favorites. The lyrics are translated into English.

Tell me
With your sweet smile
Tell me
Tell me like you're whispering into my ears
Don't be like a prey
Be Smooth like a like a snake
I want to escape but
Ah woo woo
Get away away away from me
Get away away from me
Ah woo woo
Whatever it takes, save me, me
Save me
It keeps happening even though I run away
I'm caught in a lie
Caught in a lie
Find the me that was innocent
I can't free myself from this lie
Give me back my laughter
Caught in a lie
Take me out of his hell
I can't free myself from this pain
Save the me who's being punished
Want me
The me who has lost the way
Want me
Like always, I
I feel so far away
You always come my way
I repeat again
Ah woo woo
Get away away away from me
Get away away from me
Ah woo woo
Whatever it takes, save me, me
Save me
It keeps happening even though I run away
I'm caught in a lie
Caught in a lie
Find the me that was innocent
I can't free myself from this lie
Give me back my laughter
Caught in a lie
Take me out of his hell
I can't free myself from this pain
Save the me who's being punished
I'm still the same me
The me from before is still here but
The lie that's gotten too big
Is trying to swallow me up
Caught in a lie
Find the me that was innocent
I can't free myself from this lie
Give me back my laughter
Caught in a lie
Take me out of his hell
I can't free myself from this pain
Save the me who's being punished

I feel like this song represents the me was I a few years ago. I've really changed a lot since then. I've changed a lot recently. I don't feel tied down to anyone or anything. I feel free. I know I'm not completely free yet, but I'm ready for it. I'll wait for it. I'll fight for it.

The innocent old weak me, is completely dead. I'm a badass bitch that won't take any shit. I'm not saying that I'm nice. I'm just not as nice as I was. I'm not anyone walk over me. I'm not a pushover.

There's still one person though that makes me...soft. They always manage to avoid the rough edges. We can talk about anything and everything for hours on end without ever getting bored. Whenever we see each other it's like we're never apart. We jump right back to where we left off. We're both so excited to see each other, it's like the best thing ever. We hate seeing goodbye and love saying hello. This is real love. This is true love. I know that now. I won't mess it up. True love doesn't always mean romance. What we have is something truly unique and irreplaceable and special. It's like catching lightning in a bottle. I just... I love you much. Usually I'm good with words but when it comes to you I just ramble on and on and I apologize for that. There's no lie when it comes to you. We've always told each other everything. I'll never take you for granted. I love you so much.

Wow this part is a lot longer than that the part is was supposed to be about. I just needed to get how I truly feel out there. I know that you might not read this, but I really hope that you do.

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