life as a killer

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Jeff Pov :

tomorrows Bens brithday and i want to give him the best brithday every, cause he's always alone (actually he's alone all the time :p) on his brithday  " hey Benny im just um...wondering you know if um... you wanna go killing with me tonight?" Ben just glanched at me then nodded 'no'  and teleported away " ok?....... what just happened??!" i turned towards Masky for an answer " oh you should know Ben doesn't talk to anyone and always stays in his room, this is actually the first time I've seen him out of his room in 3 weeks. he doesn't even eat, it actually scares me alot cause me and him use to be best buddies, but now were not ( lol frozen Xp)" i frowned and walked into the living room ' maybe i should try to talk to him" i started to walk up the stairs to Bens room.

Bens Pov :

after teleporting to my room i felt my depression push down on me ' lalala give them blood, blood, blooood!' i sang in my head as i grabbed my razor out from the back of my phone and started cutting long deep lines across my wrist until it was gushing blood i did that to my other wrist too. i then went down to my thighs and cut all the names people called me, the biggest one was the word 'monster' cut very deep into my left thigh *knock knock* " Ben!, you in there?" i ran to my bathroom and quickly wrapped my arms and legs but the blood was seeping through alot so i put a long sleeve shirt on then answered the door " hey Ben, are you ok?" i nodded yes and tried to smile but started to tear up " are you sure?, cause you look like your going to cry!?" i nodded yes then tried to close the door but my bandages fell off and lots of blood started dripping out all over the floor " BEN!!!!" Jeff grabbed my arm and pulld me into my room and locked the door " we need to fix you up! just keep your eyes open and stay with me!" i started bawling my eyes out as Jeff unwrapped my arm and then noticed the other one and started undoing it too " are there anymore!" i glanched at my thighs then nodded no " oh really, then why are your legs bleeding!" he said as he pulled my pants down exposing my cuts " why did you do this!?" he said as he traced the cuts " owwwwwww stop please " i mummbled as he suddenally stopped " oh sorry did it hurt,...... WAIT DID YOU JUST TALK!!!?" i tried to nod no but he cut me off " yes you did! i heard you!" he pointed a finger in my face.

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