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Apparently I fell asleep on Walt, because I woke up with my head resting on his shoulder. I jerked my head up, trying to sit up straight but I forgot how cramped the vent was. I hit my head on the cieling with a bang. "Shit!" I cursed.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his hand massaging the spot on my head that I hit.

I ducked away from him. "I'm fine," I insisted. He still had a concerned look on his face. Why does he even care about me?

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"8 hours perhaps. You fainted" he said.

Like that wasnt obvious enough. Wow. "When do we take off?"

"As soon as possible. They've increased the number of guards, but we have to wait till the distraction strikes. Then we take our chance," he explained.

"What distraction?" I asked, confused. And then I realised he must mean the spies.

"Millan and Adler are going to create a fake report about a Multifandom in FA. That will drive half the scientists to FA. Then Mat will help is escape."

I have to admit, this was impressive. "When did you plan this out?" I asked.

"It's been a couple of months," he admitted. "I started planning it when I heard you were caught."

Now I was confused... again. I was easily confused, in case you haven't noticed. "What do you mean? I asked softly.

He seemed to have moved in closer even though I didn't think it was possible considering our super cramped space. "Because I loved you," he whispered, and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips. It all happened so fast I couldn't register it all. He loved me? For how long? We never even talked at school! The kiss was different from Carter's. Right. Carter.

"Um... sorry but... I have a boyfriend," I said awkwardly.

He sighed," I know. I even shipped Carlena."

I couldn't help but laugh," Carlena? Is that what our ship name is? Oh lord."

"Yeah. I don't know why... I just fell in love with you." He said. It sounded sort of cheesey like Romeo, and It's probably not even true love. I didn't want to burst the poor guy's bubble, since I just friend-zoned him.

"Oh," I mumbled.

He sighed again." Sorry for... what just happened. I know you're with Carter. I never should have-"

"It's alright." I suggested, "Now let's get out of here."

Elena: a Fandom Academy novellaWhere stories live. Discover now