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With half the guards gone, this was much easier than I expected.

A young female scientist with silver hair was pushing a hospital bed in our direction and I swear she saw us. I froze and looked at Walt frantically. Walt looked calm though.

In fact, he greeted her with familiarity.

"I thought we were going to see Mat," I whispered.

Walt laughed," Elena, meet Mat."

The scientist smiled," I'm Mat. It's short for Mathilda."

I blushed. I no longer felt panicked but now I was just embarrased.

"Anyways, get inside. This is how we'll sneak you out," Mat gestured towards the bed.

Walt climbed in first, and then I followed. It was theoretically awkward to be in bed with Walt, but considering our situation, I pushed the thought away. Mat covered us with a thin white sheet.

Mat started wheeling us out of the building, and things were going as planned so far. I couldnt wait to be home again. I was aching for Carter. I knew it wouldnt go that smoothly though. One of the guards stopped Mat.

"Mathilda. Where are you taking that?" he asked suspiciously.

"The body room, obviously," Mathilda replied confidently.

"Who's in there?" he asked. I held my breath and Walt's body was pressed close to mine, and I could feel how tense and frightened he was too. Then to our horror, he began to lift the sheet.

Mat shoved the cart at his stomach, and he flew backwards and crashed into a wall. Mat started running, and we were going so fast i swore we were going to fall out of the bed. "There's a van leaving to the airport outside. You get in it and then a man will be at the airport waiting for you and he'll take care of everything." Mat directed at me.

Once we were finally outside, we took off the sheet and I spotted a silver van. They were still loading, so the back door was open.

"Go," Mat insisted. I jumped on and hid in an empty box that barely fit me. I had to duck my head to fit.

"Walt! Come on!" I called anxiously. The scientists were going to be back soon.

Walt had a pained look on his face. "Thats the thing, Elena... I won''t be going. You have a life and I have no right to intervere."

What the hell? How could I survive alone without Walt? I'd probably get killed. "But-"

"I love you, Elena. I always will. even uf you won't love me back. I'll always be thinking of you. Goodbye Elena Holmes." He said quietly.

"Theyre coming back soon," Mat warned.

Without thinking, I kissed him on thee lips. "Don't go." Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Goodbye," he said quietly and he had and Mat went into hiding. A million questions went through my head. What will happen to Walt? to Mat? to me? What if I got caught again? I bit my lips so I wouldnt cry out loud. I was going to see Carter again, be happy, I told myself. Walt didnt want to intervere in my life, but he already influenced my life greatly. I'll never forget him.


Elena: a Fandom Academy novellaWhere stories live. Discover now