Chapter Seven - You Pathetic Excuses For Humans

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I cry non-stop for at least five minutes with Justin hugging and comforting me and Dylan patting my back awkwardly. How could they do this to me? God. All that surges through me now is pure rage. I stand up with so fast that Justin flops awkwardly on the ground and Dylan jumps away. I start walking away and one of the boys calls after me, but I ignore them. I charge around the school looking for either Tiana or Levi, and finally, find Tiana eating her lunch where we normally sit.

"Tommy told you, didn't he?" She asks worriedly.

"No, you slut! I found out myself!' I screech at her. She stands up and starts waving her hands around rapidly.

"Look, I'm sorry, it's just he's super hot and I was there and you weren't and then we just... yeah. So uh... I'm sorry." She says and then walks in with her arms out.

"Is that all you have to say? Sorry? For stealing my boyfriend. And don't worry, I'm finding Levi after this and kicking him in the balls, so own up to it now, and maybe you two pathetic excuses for humans will be able to have children." I say forcefully. By now a large crowd has gathered around us and is staring at us gobsmacked. I hear murmurs of Jesus, I never knew Tiana was such a slut and things along the lines of that. She just shrugs and goes back in for the hug, but before she could hug me, I slapped her across the face. She let out a squeak and stumbled back a few steps. I turn around and push my way to the back of the circle, where I find Levi. He already looks panicked.

"I fucking hate you! Why the hell would you do that? To mess with me?" I scream at him, the crowd has gone now. A general rule at our school; don't interfere with lovers spats.

"Well... you said you didn't want to... uh... you know. And one day, Tiana said she was desperate and she was there and you weren't and... yeah." He said and looks around. Then I remember what Tiana said. Tommy told you, didn't he?

"Why don't you tell me what the fight was really about?" I ask Levi with as much calmness as I can muster.

"Tommy threatened to tell you, so I.. uh... punched him." He admits sheepishly. I push him out the way and run into the girl's bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. My hair and makeup are all screwed up, and my eyes are blazing. I look mad. No worse than that. Psychotic. That's what I look like. I hear the familiar push of the bathroom door, and Boe walks in. Boe is one of my best friends. She has coffee coloured skin and dark hair. She says nothing but just wraps her arms around me, and I crumple into them and cry my eyes out on her shoulder.

"The was some B.F back there, huh." She says. I don't understand at first, but then I remember back to year eight when we watched White Chicks together, and I laugh. That's Boe's gift, I realise. Making people happy. God, I feel like everyone has a purpose except me. No. I can't go back to that, I just can't.

"Honestly Birdie, I would have kicked that bitch's ass! I would have been like wachaaaa," She lets me go and does some kind of martial arts demonstration and I start laughing.

"I just can't get over what they did to me. God, I feel so... betrayed." I say, and she stops karate chopping the air, and walks back over to me, then starts plaiting my hair and singing It's A Party In The USA, but instead of singing the USA, she sings the girl's bathroom. I laugh and she taps me on the head and tells me to stop moving, or the braid will muck up. We go on just doing random weird stuff until the bell rings, and recess is over. By the end of my pity party, Boe has redone my makeup and my hair, and I look half sane again. I thank her profusely and ask if she'll walk to my locker with me. She agrees, but neither Tiana or Levi are there. Boe and I have science now anyway, with my other friends Amanda, Claire and Elouise. They'll know how to cheer me up. But where are Justin and Dylan?


It's finally home time and Boe has wagged numerous classes to join in on mine. She comes back to my house, where I find Justin and Dylan, but not my mum.

"Where's my-" I begin to ask, but Justin cuts me off.

"Groceries. We told her we were those Italian exchange students you signed up to look after and she believes us! How cool is that?" Justin asks incredulously. I roll my eyes. My mum trusts me, you twit. He glares at me and I laugh. Boe just looks confused.

"Well, I got you home safely and there are other people her so don't go slitting your wrists or anything. And you boys, I don't know who you are, but you are hot. So you should call me. Soon. Bye." Boe says. Dylan goes red and Justin winks. Boe walks out, leaving us all alone.

"Is it true? Are Levi and Tiana really having sex behind my back?" I ask. Dylan and Justin share a look then nodded. I fight back tears.

"Well, there's one thing down, but you only have five and a bit months now," Dylan says. And I let out a groan.

"There's something else," Justin says. "It's your sister. She's back." Justin says.

"No. No no no no no." I say, he just stood there and nodded. I ran towards him and wrapped my arms around him.

He held me tight.

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