Chapter 8 - My Grandmother Would Have Slapped Me

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I don't know how long it was that I stood there crying in Justin's arms, just that it was a while.

"Is she really here?" I asked and they nodded. I stomped around the house and let out numerous curse words my grandmother would have slapped me across the face for. Even Dylan looked concerned.

"Honey! Can you come get the door for me?" My mum yelled. I must have been swearing so loud that I didn't hear her car pull up. Well, there's a first time for everything.

"Coming!" I shout back. I tell Dylan and Justin to wait out the front because I have a surprise for them. I open the door for Mum and she bursts in with her arms full of shopping, then practically slams them down on the kitchen bench.

"You didn't tell me your car was back in the garage." She said. Whaaaaaat? My car's back? Cool.

"Huh. Yeah sorry about that. I'm going to see Pop, so bye!" I say and hurry out into the garage. Sure enough, my car is sitting there and the keys are on top on it. I jump in my car and open the garage. Justin rides shotgun much to Dylan's disgust.

"When did you get my car back?" I ask.

"When do you think, cupcake?" Justin says.

"Just because I don't have a boyfriend now, doesn't mean you can go calling me 'kitten" or "cupcake" or "princess", got it?" I say sternly and he nods.

"Where exactly are we going?" Dylan pipes in.

"You'll see," I say. When we reach the first red-light, I pull out my Infinity On High disc and put it in the radio, then turn it to This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race. Justin and I start jamming out to Fall Out Boy, while Dylan sits in the back seat and scowls.


When we pull up to our destination, we have listened to the Infinity On High disc and a bit of the Folie A Deux disc  and Dylan is still scowling until he sees the sign.

"Parkerville Retirement Home? What the hell Birdie?" He yells.

"I'm here to see my Pop, ok. He had a stroke a while back and ended up here. But he's super cool. Trust me." I say, then strut inside the building punching in codes here and there until finally, we get to Pop's room.

"Bluebird!" He says, then opens his arms for a hug. I hug my pop and sit on his bed. He was looking out the window and saw my car rock up.

"Who are these young men?" He asks, sitting up straighter. I laugh.

"Greek exchange students," I say and he nods. Justin and Dylan wave.

"Ah! I have a surprise for you, Bluebird!"My pop says excitedly. "It's coming, coming.." he says, then starts humming. The door handle clicks, and in walks my sister.


Soz for short chapter and not updating forever but I have a busy life, so. Just kidding. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNN! IT'S RILEY YOU PEEPZ! AAAAAHHHHH

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