-; jealous

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[ spitfire ]
[ one sided birdflash ]

he watched, like a bird that was sat on its perch, as his best friend fell in love.

he felt lost, like he was forgotten.
his best friend leaving him slowly, it took a while for the boy to notice.

but then he did.

artemis had joined the team, to the suspicion of roy and the others, however the youngest member greeted her with a smile.

they had become friends, robin even opting to beg bruce to give the blonde a scholar ship.

he greeted her briefly on her first day, keeping a commemorative photograph for the time his identity would be revealed.

she fought with wally, the little bird's best friend.
little did the redhead know, he was as falling in love.
the little birdie however, he did.

he could tell from their obnoxious flirting.
he could tell by the way they looked at each other.

it killed him.
he realised, after time, that he was in love with his best friend.

something common in teenage romance movies, he though to himself.
but he wasn't the love interest.

he was the best friend, nothing more.

but how we wished it could be, as he stared at the happy couple.

the two announced their relationship, earning a couple cheers from m'gann, conner and kaldur.
robin played it off with a smile, a tease to wally about how he finally got a girlfriend.

but inside, he was dying.

zatanna noticed this, and while she wasn't a mind reading martian, she knew her friend was hurting.
her thoughts were confirmed as the dark haired boy excused himself, for "extra training".

the little bird walked off, the smiling couple behind him. thoughts pounding in his head, tears welling up behind the mask.

the mask, a literal and symbolic façade from his teammates. wally knew though, wally knew him.

sighing, he took the mask off. to hell with batman's rules, he was alone now.

except when a certain magician decided to enter the room.

there he was, little robbie.
crying, without his mask on.
the girl walked to him slowly, wrapping her arms around the boy.

he told her his identity and his past, she told him it would be their little secret.
her's and her birdie's.

they stayed like that for a while, just hugging and talking.
zatanna listened to dick's sorrows.

he poured his heart out to the magician girl, who told him it would all be okay.
it would all be okay, wally was just blind.

his tears subsided, his breath slowed down as he fell asleep.
his heart breaking, as he pictured his love with another.

he would be okay, even without wally.

-; young justice one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now