-; trauma

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[ set just after Failsafe ]

It seemed so real....
Was the thought going through each of the teen's minds. They had died.

In all honesty, they were in shock. Artemis' eyes darted around the room, analysing her teammates. She, being the first to 'die', did not know the events that had transpired after. The blonde decided it was better she didn't.

M'gann was crying into Captain Marvel's chest, it was her fault they forgot it was a simulation- her fault they got trapped. The guilt flooding her, drowning the poor Martian.

Surprisingly, Conner was feeling quite relieved. It bothered him greatly that he had 'died' and was no longer there for M'gann, but glad that it wasn't real. Even so, he had done all he could to help his friends. All that was on the boy's mind now was to help M'gann, to tell her it's not her fault.

Wally didn't know how to feel, he didn't want to admit that he was still terrified but he knew that he was. Seeing Artemis, and then the others, die had taken a toll on every one of them. He felt disgusted, utterly terrible that he had allowed them to die. If it were real, they would all be gone. I could've- should've saved them. I will protect them, i will die for them.

Across the room sat a certain Atlantean, he was staring blankly at the floor. He was the leader and he let himself leave his team, what kind of leader lets a teammate die when it can be prevented. Kaldur's logical side soothed him, that it was a simulation- now they would be more experienced and would know how to protect each other.

But the other side, the one he was agreeing with at the time, told him that it could've been real. He could've gotten his teammates killed.
Silencing those thoughts, Kaldur took a deep breath.
They are safe.

Now, as for our favourite boy wonder, he hadn't yet come to the realisation that the team was alive. Dick was stuck in his own mind, just like he had been in the simulation.

They're gone
You killed them
You're alone
They are dead, just like your family
You did nothing to save them,
Just like with your family
Well done boy heartless.

The thirteen year olds breathing quickened, his vision darkening he couldn't breathe. He could see his team, they are alive! Why won't this stop, why did it feel real?

Suddenly, his chest tightened and the darkness is so welcoming...
Mami, tati.....
The poor little birdie passed out, fainted.


The metallic crash sounded through the silent room, the team (and the present members of the league) turned their head towards Robin in alarm.

Wally was about to run over, but he saw a black blur fly in front of him. Batman.

The vigilante quite literally flew over to his fallen protégée- his son.
He picked the small youth up, carefully and caring, shocking the other teens. This was the most warm they had seen him, he was the Batman after all.

Just as quick as it happened, the bat disappeared with his little bird.

He would be okay.


Did this even have a noticeable plot at all????
Idk what that ending was at all, other than shit.
I decided to turn this into a yj fanfic book instead!
kigonlinov  read this chappie pls

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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