his neck, then hers

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she stood there, numb like an infallible sculpture, caramel hair gusted in the breeze. the girl observed a boy and a man, watching them undergo an acrimonious dispute about wages.

the next thing she knew the spitting quarrel advanced into a brawl.

slow motion kicked in as she witnessed the boy connect his fist with the man's cheek. the blow precipitated the collapse of the man, who promptly masked his fear, concealed his face with his hands, and protected whatever flesh he could.

the boy – he was precocious.

he pounced on the man, rapidly pounding and striking his face, leaving an angry crimson welt.

echoes of moans of torment and sorrow were muffled by the horrid slapping sounds induced. a small puddle of red blood seeped out of the pitiful man's nose, followed by a trail of hot, streaming tears.

she watched in silent horror as the muscular boy tore the man apart by his limbs then shoved him into the brick wall with a look of heinous fury.

slowly yet dangerously, he wiped the blood off his knuckles and onto the sleeves of his black leather jacket before he advanced towards the man once again.

the man fell tragically like a stone, awaiting whatever terror awaited him in several moments.

"enough, p-please!" the man pleaded. "the c-cash, it's yours!" he cried out between violent coughs. blood spurted out of him with each agonizing word.

"what's left of you now?" the boy scoffed, dullness plaguing his cognac eyes. "i don't know mercy," he grunted.

the boy's gruff voice made her blood run cold as he said, "i want you lifeless."

with a smug look on his face, he sent him down with one slug. unceasingly stomping on his head, a mixture of fluids continued to ooze from within.

the man whimpered, then turned away from his beater; the girl sucked in her breath as cold sweat ran down her forehead.

the boy raised his fist once more, this time clenching it as he hit his defenseless victim straight in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.

a horrifying crack rippled through the air.

she could only stand where she was and watch like a motionless idiot, unable to move or even comprehend the scene before her.

the boy finished the onslaught by kicking him, sending him flying through the air.

he ended the show with a grand finale: heaving the man over his head and propelling him into the wall, causing a sickening bash.

then, silence.

the man was dead.

he spat over the corpse, then he muttered,
"a filthy beckham is all you ever were."

the boy neatly wiped his hands on his pants, that were now tainted. he turned his head left then right to take in his surroundings. his face remained emotionless.

as if nothing had happened.

finally, he sauntered away from the gory scene. in the direction of the girl.

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