Chapter 4

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        To say Humane Letters was exciting was a major understatement.

        I usually didn't like HL, but it was the first day of school, meaning nobody really did any work. Everyone introduces themselves and chats with friends on these days. We had a new kid today who I found out, after a bit of eavesdropping, is named Mark, and just so happened to, unfortunately, land himself next to me in the seating chart. Neither of us were all that interested in talking to each other, and, once this was established, decided it would be much less awkward to just not talk. This "Mark" seemed like a cool guy, but I was so emotionally drained from Ally and Carmella (and slightly annoyed because of the confiscation of my phone) that I didn't have much energy to make the effort to befriend him. We played a game of around the world for last years curriculum, but aside from that, HL was generally as calm as the first day could be.

        Science, however, was a bit more... eventful.

        That was to be expected, of course: everything happens during either Science or Latin in this school. I was one of the first people to enter the small classroom, finding that Mr. Fullerius was nowhere to be found. As I walked in and saw the 9th grade couple, Patricia and Michael (their one year is coming up soon), making out in the farthest corner of the room; Landon smacking Sam on the head (probably for making a god-awful pun); and Benjamin doing a backflip. I froze (obviously), and so did everyone else in the room. They were all mortified, which I don't blame them for, they all were breaking a rule per person.

         To give them consolation, I laughed, pretending to zip my mouth shut, which gave immediate results. The aura of the classroom switched from tense to relieved in mere seconds.

        I could say I was okay with these people, they weren't bad after all. Sure they broke a few rules and got themselves into multiple compromising situations, but they didn't do drugs or bully or drink. In fact, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't participated in a few of their antics. They had absolutely ingenius ideas, after all. All in all, I liked them because they weren't assholes.

        Everything died down pretty quickly after I promised to keep my mouth shut. After that, though, we all had a lot of fun with Mr. Fullerius, he was a great guy. In my opinion, he was an outstanding teacher, and he let the kids have a bit of fun while still getting work done. Everyone loved him.

        Almost the whole class did something fun over the summer; most traveled, while everyone else was traveled to. Our family isn't big. In fact, my parents were both only children, and all my grandparents passed away sometime when I was little. I didn't get any visitors during the break, and decided to just say that I spent time at home, which was true, in a sense.

        Nothing else really happened after that, though. At the end of the day, we had an assembly about the rules of the school and the whole "drugs will not be tolerated" spiel. I knew that this year especially was going to be a pain in the ass. Why? Because this was the first year of high school. That's why.

        Everyone was happy to see their friends again, and quickly agreed on groups that would probably diminish after half a semester. I had visited the office to get my phone back, only to get my phone and a free lecture. Carma was taking forever at her locker, so most students were gone by the time she stepped outside.


        I nodded and strolled outside, sister at my side. We never hurried home, mostly because we didn't ever really want to go back. My sister is the favorite between us, but that doesn't exactly mean our parents like her, or vice versa.

        They just really hate me.

        We talked about nothing in particular, letting time and nature weave through our fingertips, breathing in the distinct scent of rain. It had just recently rained, and many of the short-lived flowers were currently in bloom. It's always the most unique and beautiful flowers that have the shortest lives. Nature gives and takes as it seems fit, not caring how the human mind protests its selfish ways.

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