cute vlog quotes part one

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From "The proposal story" vlog- Sam and Casey 

“IT’S- A - ME” -Casey- while both him and sam introduce themselves but start uncontrollably laughing.

“There was  this a capella group called the Duke’s men and Casey was there like junior star soloist  and I was like wow he’s so good”- Sam  “and Sam was like the hot shot freshman and I - (sam interjects) I mean you thought you were”- Casey

“They knew that Sam would fall  in love with me it’s kind of like a spy sent to win his heart but this whole thing is all was for getting him to join us”- Casey

“Was very Romeo and Juliet like it was ill ill fated or what have seemed yeah yeah starcross”- Sam and Casey  

“And our original dating  anniversary I think is April Fool’s Day it’s like April first kind of a weird day anniversary because you’re like is this whole relationship a whole joke, no it's not unless one of us is just really committed to their april foolery, we are performers, yeah so hey maybe maybe in a couple years..”  Casey and Sam  

“We’ll get a di-”

“Kill each other “- Casey

“-vorce” - Sam

* Awkward Laughing*

“I have a lot of flem in the morning …” Sam - *Casey ew face*

“Oh I proposed in a really awesome way, I did a great job” Casey

“Maybe let me tell the story so you don’t seem like a arrogant- well let me set it up - mofo, ok fine” Sam and Casey

Ok Kelsey on twitter asked -Uh oh, I already see it- what do you mean you already see it- uh oh we’re going to talk about pet peeves-  oh I didn’t know- okay battery’s gonna die *tapping Casey’s arm or leg to to get his attention*

“We almost made it to one year”

“Thank you for cleaning up” Sam

“Thank you for bringing such disorder joy into my life”  Casey

A/N: if you haven't seen the vlog yet it's up on the top of the page

Sam Tsui x Casey breves (story prompts, AUs, and fan art And Quotes )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon