2 - Lunch

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Scott couldn't get the words out of his head all during calculus. Was Mitch really who he said he was? Maybe Jeremy was right, or maybe he wasn't. He was really hoping it was the latter.

On the bright side, he had managed to become acquainted with another person. His name was Kevin, a real smart kid who was good at all things math. He was also pretty close friends with Mitch, which was a benefit on Scott's end. Kevin was very helpful with everything he needed to catch up on in class, he even offered to help him with certain assignments he knew may cause difficulties. He also caught Scott up on Mitch's friend group, which was about four people (not including Scott).

There was a short Latina girl called Kirstie who had a beautiful appearance and an even more beautiful personality. Her and Mitch were best friends, and her boyfriend turned out to be the sketchy Jeremy character he had met earlier. When he asked Kevin about it, he dismissed it and told him not to worry.

Next was a Jewish boy named Avi, who "sounds and looks like Jesus" in Kevin's words. He was deemed the most mature of the group, and therefore the most responsible. The poor guy was constantly being called at three in the morning to come get his friends at some party, or trying his best to keep them out of detention.

Kevin himself, was described as the nerd. He was smart, yet funny, strict, but kind, and above all a generous and caring man. Even though his afternoons were spent in the library helping kids with their homework, he carved out time for his friends and family everyday. Being both colored and smart wasn't necessarily a good combination, it lead to plenty of bullying and often times some jock forcing him to do their homework. When this happened, Kevin confessed he would purposefully write all the wrong answers and "loose" the assignments. Scott was really starting to like these people.

Though Scott had learned lots about Mitch through their notepad conversations in first and second period, Kevin elaborated a little more on the tiny Italian. Mitch wasn't one to open up very quickly, so he was surprised to hear Scott had already learned so much about him. Kirstie was friends with Mitch before the incident happened, so she was the only one out of the three of them to ever hear him talk. She had said before to Kevin that he used to be much happier, but his lack of voice had almost drained him of the emotion. They all worried about him far too much, but they all knew he was a fantastic guy still, regardless of voice.

Scott and Kevin continued to chat about the group, and both ended up sharing some pretty embarrassing stories about their pasts.

"Wait, wait, wait," Scott said through giggles. "You actually made a song about chicken and soup with Avi?"

Kevin nodded while laughing his head off, "You should have seen the look on Kirstie's face when we showed her."

Both boys shook their heads, the ridiculous memory causing them to mentally and physically face palm. By the end of the class, their cheeks hurt from grinning and their stomachs from laughing. Scott almost forgot to check his schedule until Kevin reminded him. Thankfully, they had the next class together and as an added bonus, Avi was also in their fourth period.

When they arrived, Kevin immediately introduced Scott to Avi. He approached the long haired boy with a bro hug followed by a complicated handshake that made the blond laugh. He wondered how much time it took to compose such an elaborate greeting, and how they were able to perfect it so easily.

"Avi, this is Scott," Kevin announced, gesturing to the tall man. "We're adding him to the group."

Avi smiled and stuck his hand out to shake, "Hi Scott, I'm Avi."

"Holy shit, he does sound like Jesus." Scott stated as he took Avi's hand, dumbfounded by the deep voice.

"I assume Kevin told you about that before hand?"

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