5 • Football game

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Mitch and Kirstie arrived at the school about twenty minutes before the game started. They immediately went to find the others and constantly checked their phones for texts from the other three. According to the group chat, Kevin and Scott were by the bleachers over by the baseball fields, and Avi was on his way.

The duo made their way to the two boys sitting on the small set of bleachers, who greeted them upon their arrival.

"Hey guys!" Kevin said cheerfully.

"Mitchy, Kirstie!" Scott joined, getting up to hug both of them.

Something they had learned about the blond was that he was a very cuddly person, no amount of masculinity could hide it. None of them minded, Kirstie loved to have someone around who was just as touchy as she was.

Mitch absolutely adored it, he couldn't help but smile and giggle a little as he was enveloped in Scott's arms. He was like a teddy bear, and the brunette had no problem with that whatsoever.

When they separated, Scott immediately noticed Mitch's painted nails, grabbed his hand suddenly, and gasped, "Oh my god, your nails are beautiful!"

Kirstie nudged her way into the conversation after giving Kevin a hug, "I did them, not to brag or anything."

"Sure, you keep telling yourself that," Kevin rolled his eyes with a playful smirk, earning a smack on the arm from the petite girl.

"Kev! Let me have my moment!"

Scott laughed at his friends antics, continuing to admire Mitch's nails. The brunette was thankful for the dim light that hid his soft blush. He couldn't say he didn't like the feeling of the blond's hand holding his.

"Shouldn't Avi be here soon?" Scott questioned, dropping Mitch's hand (much to his disappointment).

"Right here," said a deep voice from behind the four.

Kevin smiled and was the first to welcome the missing member of the group, hugging Avi with no hesitation. Kirstie, Scott, and Mitch all said their hellos and they headed to the main bleachers by the football field. This way they could watch the game (specifically Kevin and Avi, the others didn't care too much for football) and be included in the activities.

The game was just starting as they sat down, and Mitch pulled out his phone to write a message to Scott. He preferred to use this method of communication when in public, it was much easier for transportation and he could type faster than he could write.

Wanna know the best thing about the relationship between the captain of the football team and the captain of the cheerleading squad?

Scott laughed, "What?"

He pointed to two boys talking to each other, one in a football uniform and the other in a cheerleading uniform. The football player leaned down to peck the cheerleader on the lips before running out to the field.

They're gay.

"Fuck High School Musical, this is iconic."

Kevin looked to his left where Scott was sitting awestruck next to him and chuckled, "I'm guessing he just found out about the captains?"

Mitch nodded proudly and earned a pat on the back from the boy, who had to reach around Scott to get to him.

The moment of happiness only lasted a few seconds before Mitch spotted a group of three people, clad in hoodies and jeans. Their faces were hidden due to the hoods being up, but he recognized them instantly. He tensed up and nudged Kirstie's arm anxiously. She immediately spotted the people as well and put her arm around him for support and comfort.

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