Chapter 6: Pandora's Box

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Chapter 6
Pandora's Box

Monday morning, I walk out my front gate and grin as I see Win exiting his. Turning around, he sees me and a wide smile spreads across his face, his silver braces glinting in the morning sun. I feel my heartbeat thud in my chest at the sight. It feels like forever since we last talked with the weekend dragging by so slowly.

"Yo." I raise one hand in greeting and walk up beside him.

"Hey, Per. Did you have breakfast?" He holds up a small sweet bun wrapped in a white paper napkin. "We had an extra and I thought you might want it."

"Hell yeah!" This boy knows me so well. I quickly grab the treat out of his hand. "Thanks, man."

"How was your weekend?" Win asks as we start walking away from our houses.

"Boring as fuck mostly." I answer around bites. "We did have a totally kickin' band practice though. We are so gonna breeze through the auditions. You're still coming, right?"

"I'll be there as soon as I'm done with duties." Win promises.

"Sweet!" Finishing the last bite, I wipe my hands on the napkin and toss it at a nearby trashcan as we pass by. It hits the rim and topples off the side onto the ground. Without a word, Win shakes his head at me and picks it up, dropping it into the container. I only shrug my shoulders at him. It's not like I meant to miss. "How was your weekend? It looks like you survived the trip to your grandma's."

"It was..." Hesitating, Win twists his hands on the handle of his school bag. "...mostly quiet."

"Quiet? What do you mean mostly quiet?" His answer confuses me since I know his dad's mother is an extremely opinionated, conservative, and vocal person. How the hell could it have been quiet?

"Grandmother and I had a talk when I got there and then no one bothered with me the rest of the time." His voice sounds odd and his eyes stay rooted to his bag.

"What did she say, Win?" Grabbing his arm, I pull Win to a stop and step in front of him. He remains silent and refuses to look up. "Win?"

"It's nothing, Per. We better keep walking or we'll be late to school." He tries to step around me but I won't let him pass.

"It's obviously not nothing and school can wait." Using my fingertips, I gently put them under his chin and lift his face to look at me. "Tell me, Win."

"It's really nothing. I promise." Win's eyes meet mine, begging me to let it go. He looks so lost, so sad, and it hurts to leave him be, but I step back and drop my hand to my side.

"I'm always here, Winnie." It's just one sentence, but I know Win understands. I don't need to say anymore. Whenever he's ready, or if he needs me, I'm never far away.

"I know." Reaching out, he gives my shoulder a squeeze and smiles his thanks.

We continue on our way, arriving at school in plenty of time. Neither of us mention anything else about the weekend. It has become a taboo subject until Win says otherwise. Eyeing him carefully, I don't see any new bruises or wounds which relieves some of my worry.

Our classes pass by quickly and Win is his usual smart, helpful self. Most wouldn't be able to tell that anything is amiss, but I can. There is a dullness to eyes when he thinks no one is watching and a sad tilt to his lips. At lunch, he is quiet and I let him be, knowing that he will tell me when he's ready. The afternoon classes pass just the same and soon the final bell rings. Win and I separate here with a promise to see each other at home since my club activities and band practice will take longer than his classroom duties. He'll have to walk home alone, without me.

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