Chapter 7: Safety & Tears

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Chapter 7Safety & Tears

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Chapter 7
Safety & Tears

"Hey, Per." A familiar voice greets me as I'm waiting in line and an arm is slung over my shoulder. "How've you been?"

"Oh. Yo, Pete. Pretty good." I flash a wide grin to Pete.

"Oi!" Out of nowhere, he smacks me upside the head with an obviously fake snarl to his lips. "Address your upperclassman properly."

"Tch, why should I? You're acting like we're not close or something." Sticking my tongue out, I wonder what crawled up his ass. I've known this guy since we were kids, hanging out at the park and going on vacations together. Back then, he never cared what I called him.

"You see." P'Pete moves ahead of me in line with a smirk. "For your rudeness, I'm taking your spot in line."

"Aw. P'Pete is a bully." It's a fake whine but P' should know better than to mess with me. He's using this lame excuse so he can cut in line in front of me, acting as if I don't have dirt on his ass. After a very interesting conversation we had not too long ago while I was hanging posters for the Live Concert, we both know better and I think this is a great time to remind him who's holding all the cards. "This is what I get for helping you out. You know the one about s—–" P'Pete covers my mouth quickly, cutting off my words (and some of my air supply). He doesn't say much but his eyes are speaking volumes... We're in the middle of the cafeteria, surrounded people. Don't just go throwing shit around like that.

"Dude, shut your trap." Dragging my head closer to his lips, he whispers into my ear, tickling the hair near my face. It's not surprising he doesn't want that little advice talk we had spreading around the school. I nod my head in understanding so he releases me and I take a deep breath. Damn, he has a strong grip for a skinny guy. Don't fucking say it. We're not talking about my body here.

"Oh, looks like someone doesn't want a little rumor spread around." I've got him now. A devilish smile spreads across my face as he easily falls into my trap. "Wonder what would happen if Knott were to hear that little secret?"

"Do that and I'll kill you." Where the hell did P' learn to glare like that? It's freaky scary so I jump back just in case. No need to go psycho over this little bit of fun.

"I'm just kidding." Rubbing the back of my head, I try to calm him down. I don't need him giving me the evil eye every time we see each other. "How about we trade?"

"Fine, what do you want?" His tone is much more calm and reasonable and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Buy me two fish stews and my lips are sealed." We both get what we want and I don't have to stand in this long ass line by myself.

"Aren't you a fucking glutton?" P'Pete mutters as he opens his wallet.

"The other one isn't for me. It's for Win." Who does he think I am? P'Noh? While I can put away my fair share of food, I'm nowhere near that bad. "He's saving me a seat."

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