Chapter 1

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Brambleclaw followed Jayfeather up the hill as he led them to the Moonpool, the other clans had collected their cats and went home to deal with any of the warriors that had betray them. When they reached the mouth of the cave Jayfeather let him take the lead down the paw-dappled path, at the bottom was a pool with the moon’s light reflecting in its surface.

            “Lay down and take a drink I’ll be waiting for you went you awake.” Jayfeather told him.

            Brambleclaw did as he was told and soon felt himself slip into a swirling mass of stars. When he opened his eyes again star furred cats stood in front of him, Firestar stood among them near the front of the crowd.

            “Congratulations Brambleclaw, you have served your clan well and now are here to receive your nine lives.” The voice seemed to come from everywhere at once.

            “Well done my son.” Goldenflower purred as she walked up to him. “With this life I give you forgiveness, use it well in times that require it.”

            Brambleclaw felt like a war was raging inside of himself but he couldn’t move or yowl in pain, his mother took her nose off his head and walked away. The next cat to approach was a small black kit, Brambleclaw had to bend his head down so the young kit could reach his head.

            “I’m your half brother Tadpole, and with this life I give you curiosity, use it to expand your knowledge.” Brambleclaw felt his pelt itch as memories and the urge to run far and wide to find answers overcame him.

            He panted and ruffled his fur as Hollyleaf walked up to him.

            “With this life I give you sacrifice, use it when the time comes to save innocent lives.” He was prepared for the creeping feeling but instead was racked with pain as he received his third life.

            “With this life I give you endurance, use it well so you can always help your clan.” Sorreltail said as she gave him his next life.

            Brambleclaw didn’t even have time to catch his breath before Flametail walked up to him, “With this life I give you truth, use it in times of trouble when you need to find it.”

            The next cat to come up to him was a black and white cat he recognized as Swiftpaw. “With this life I give you courage, use it to defend your clan well when times get rough.”

            The life made Brambleclaw feel weak and left him trembling as he watched the apprentice pad away to the group of cats before getting replaced by Feathertail.

            “With this life I give you love, use it well to protect your clan as if they were your kits.” He flinched as the life made him feel like he was getting burned alive.

            “I give you the life of adventure, use this life to lead an interesting life.” Snowkit mewed as he gave Brambleclaw his eighth life.

            There was a pause as the kit walked back to the group and Firestar came forward to greet him. “With this life I give you loyalty, use it to always stay true to what you know to be right.” After Brambleclaw finished receiving his last life Firestar continued, “I hail you by your new name, Bramblestar Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and Starclan grants you guardianship of Thunderclan. Defend it well; care for the young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code; live each life with pride and dignity.”

            “Thank you.” Bramblestar mewed once he found his voice.

            “Bramblestar, Bramblestar, Bramblestar!” The Starclan cats yowled his new name to the stars above.

            As the cats left in a swirl of stars the scenery changed so they were now floating above the lake, only a small orange and black kit remained.

            “Who are you?” Bramblestar asked in confusion.

            “I am a kit that’s not from Starclan nor am I from the Tribe of Rushing Water’s ancestors.” The kitten replied. “You may call me Eclipseshadow.”

            “Why haven’t you appeared before? And why are you appearing now?”

            “Change is coming Bramblestar… just remember it will get worse before getting better.”


            “How could it get worse? Wasn’t fighting the Dark Forest warriors bad enough?” But he didn’t receive an answer, Eclipseshadow had faded away and Bramblestar jerked awake by the side of the Moonpool.

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