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Narrator's Mind

Two months pass after the attack from the Shadow, what we call the creature that destroyed our village.

With the village still being rebuilt, Stoick has called a series of meetings on what to do about the gate

Some people say to block it off, buildings a wall to completely cover it from the world

Other say to destroy it, until learning that it would only release the creatures from the other side of the realm we live in

Others, some of the smarter if the village, say to build a wall and also prepare the village for more attacks from those vile beings

Hiccup's Mind

"Dad, we can the use the dragons to help build the wall around the Gate" I tell him

"Good idea, It'll help speed things up" he agreed

I gather the gang, all saddling up their dragons

We each load twenty things of stone, enough to at least get the wall started

We carry the stone over, carefully placing it near the Gate so the workers don't have a far ways to carry them

We load another five each, completing out the day

We'll have to wait for the next day to start the construction of the wall

I flew to my new house, one that I share with Astrid

When I arrived, I saw that Stormfly was already in her stall

I got off of Toothless and took his saddle off and let him go to Stormfly

When I stepped inside the house, a warming smell came to me

I went to the kitchen area to spot Astrid cooking us dinner

Looked like she she had some fish and greens for a salad

Dinner was ready within a few minutes and we ate, just simply enjoying each other's company

I take both my and Astrid's plate and wash them while Astrid heads to the bedroom to get ready to sleep

I went into the bedroom and changed into something more comfortable to sleep in

Astrid was in the covers, but I could see movement which suggested she was still awake, waiting for me

I slip in the cover, wrapping my arm around Astrid's waist, pulling her in close

Narrator's Mind

Hiccup woke to a loud noise coming from outside, and he went to check it out

Then all went black for him

Astrid woke minutes later, not feeling the comfortable body heat and form of Hiccup, who is always beside her till she wake up

She looked outside her window, hearing quick footsteps leaving the area of her house

A form, one she couldn't quite make out, was carrying a limp body, and for fear of it being Hiccup, she followed

She quietly went past the two dragons, so as not to disturb them and then possibly alert the intruder that someone was following him

Two hours pass, and they arrive at the gate, the stone still off to the side

Astrid's Mind

"I was always jealous of you" I heard the man say

"Everyone looks to you for leadership, for advice on what to do when something goes wrong" it continues

"Well now I know how to get rid of you. Just a drop of your blood will open this so called Gate on this side and you'll be forever trapped in there, leaving me to take Astrid" I heard I a grin as he spoke

The figure took out a knife and cleanly cut Hiccup's hand (I know it's Hiccup because his blood is the only one that can open the Gate)

Blood dropped on the center seal and a dull, blood-red aura appeared

I'm the center, a wicked looking portal appeared, but nothing came out, but Hiccup went in

"NO!" I scream

The figure turned around, revealing Snotlout's face

I threw myself at the portal, only to have it close up as soon as I landed

Hiccup's Mind

'Where am I?' I think to myself

My head is pounding, my vision blurry, my whole body is numb

I look around, trying to get a sense of where I am

Everywhere I look, I see ruins about me

Ruins of Berk....

"Where am I?" I ask aloud not expecting a reply

So I naturally jump when I hear one

"Who are you?" I hear a female's voice

I turn around and see.......

Astrid's Mind

I jumped at Snotlout, tears making my field of vision blurry

He tried to sidestep, but training with Hiccup has allowed me to create a form to where I could quickly reach out and grab the opponent

My feet gracefully bit the ground, and I throw him to the ground by his arm and shirt

He lands with an "oof" and I hit him in the sternum with the heel of my foot

I use a dragon call to summon Stormfly, and minutes later I'm flying to Berk

Strange thing was that Snotlout fainted at the sigh of her

It's as if her has never seem her before

I get to Berk, and I hover for a few minutes. I debate on if I really want to do it

I drop Snotlout from fifty feet in the air and he lands with a loud 'thud'

"What in Thor's name was that?!" I heard Stoick

"Snotlout? What in blazes are you doing out here?" he asks as he steps outside

He must've heard Stormly's wings because he looked and motioned for me to come down

I land, purposefully almost crushing Snotlout

But I didn't cause I want answers

"WHAT DID YOU DO WITH HICCUP?!?" I yelled at him as I got down from Stormfly

"What is she talking about boy?" Stoick asked

"I have no clue" Snotlout answers, slyly grinning at me

"You know full well what I'm talking about" I said, giving him a death glare

"I promise you, Stoick, that I have no idea in Odin's name what she's talking about" Snotlout assures him

"Ok boy. Just go back to bed. You too Astrid" he tells us, with a slightly worried look at me

I go back to my house, that's still under construction. Hiccup and I have slept on the first floor since the top was still being built. I got into the bed, tears flowing down my face. I lay down where I usually do, my hand going where Hiccup sleeps. I grab his pillow and pull it to me, falling asleep to his smell, that if the forest

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